Movie Time

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Beam smiled widely, waving one hand over his head so Ming could see where he was. Ming spotted him and walked towards him, the uncertainty still there in his eyes. Beam wanted to laugh. There's nothing to be uncertain about, N'Ming. I'm not really chasing you. I'm just making Kitty jealous enough to realize how he truly feels. "Ming! You made it!"

Ming looked a tiny bit startled at being called 'Ming' and not 'N'Ming', but he quickly recovered with a charming smile. "I promised I'd come, didn't I?"

Beam nodded, pleased. He looked around. "Where's N'Yo? Is he still coming?"

(Just pretend they're not holding mics

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(Just pretend they're not holding mics. --__--)

"He's back there with P'Phana," Mind turned and pointed at the ticket booth.

Beam bit back a smile. So possessive, Pha. Can't even let him be a third wheel to a faux date, eh?

Yo came to stand next to Ming, nudging him in the ribs with an elbow. "You were supposed to wait for us!"

"What, like you don't know your way around already?"

"It's called good manners."

"Like when you pushed me off the swing?"

"I was nine! And you were being an asshole!"

Beam snickered quietly, enjoying the show. He spotted Pha coming up behind Yo and smiled at him. "Glad you could make it, Pha. But I thought you were busy working on that project?"

Pha shot him a warning look when Yo frowned and looked at Pha. "It just needs to be tweaked in a couple places is all. I can take a break to watch a movie."

Liar. You probably only have it a third of the way done. We just got assigned the project yesterday. Beam said none of that, however, and just nodded, his smile growing wider. "Well, I have our tickets," he gestured between himself and Ming, swallowing back a snort when Ming's face turned pink. Poor kid looked very uncomfortable with the attention he was receiving. "Do you want me to buy yours?"

"I already have them," Pha said, holding two tickets up and practically waving them under Beam's nose.

"Are they close to ours? Lemme see." Beam snatched them out of Pha's hand, reading the numbers. "Hey, you're only the row behind us! That's cool." He handed them back, smirking at Pha's annoyed look.

"Yo, do you want some snacks?" Pha turned to the smaller guy.

"Yo, do you want some snacks?" Pha turned to the smaller guy

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