Chapter 1: The Fuher's Decree

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Hello there my children! Hope you guys are having a nice time with getting ready for Christmas :> Here I have a few chapters written up like this one here as your present.

Hope you enjoy!

Now onto the chapter!

The United Kingdom of Germany is made up of the following regions: Germany, Sweden, Finland, and Norway.

The ruler of the United Kingdom is Fuher Cleopatra, who looks after her lawn with the tactic of fear, which her subjects are used to. The kingdom knew that if their dictator was angered, villages would catch on fire and taxes would raise by 10%. So when this decree from Fuher Cleopatra in particular was announced in every village, the citizens hastened to make sure the Fuher got what she wanted in fear of their villages burning and taxes.

What was this decree you may ask?

Allow me, dear reader, to provide you the context that led up to it.

While it was grand to have a prosperous kingdom and a treasury inside the palace full of golden riches, the Fuher grew lonely of ruling without a Fuheriza by her side. She would often spend her days on her bedroom balcony, looking over the couples that passed by, rich and noble, poor and commoner. She would see how much they loved each other and desired to be the same with her lover. Her loneliness grew until she fell into a deep depression, sitting on her throne looking like she was on the verge of tears.

The Fuher's advisers took notice, and were worried about the well-being of their ruler. They discussed amongst themselves about what should be done to see Fuher Cleopatra smile again. The advisers hired a jester to entertain Fuher Cleopatra until she threw him out the window herself in a fit of rage about a joke he made about lesbians and their slippery fingers. (F in the chat for the jester-) After that incident, all the males in the palace were cautioned to not say anything about lesbians to avoid the same fate of the poor jester.

Fuher Cleopatra continued to live under her depression until a visit to the Kingdom of Ancient Greece.

It was mainly a diplomatic visit to discuss about trade and other political business, but the region in particular was famous for their Oracle. The Oracle was a woman who had a strong connection to the gods above, and had the power of foreseeing the future, speak the messages from the gods, and give prophecies about events that would occur. So if you ever visited Ancient Greece, visiting the Oracle was always something to add to your to-do list there. And visiting the Oracle is what the Fuher did while visiting.

The Oracle lived outside the Greek city-state of Sparta, in a huge mountain known as the "Oracle's Volcano." Inside the mountain, the Oracle sat on a stool while surrounded by hot volcanic vapor. The room was surrounded by dark blue curtains that was inside the mountain.

When the Fuher arrived, standing at the entrance was Delphi, an 18 year old Oracle in training wearing a white dress with their long blue hair tied up into a high ponytail. Both friends hugged each other in greeting before pulling away. "Is the Oracle available?" Fuher Cleopatra asked as she glanced inside the Oracle's Volcano. "Yes she is." Delphi replied with a smile, "My aunt has been expecting you actually. She has something important to tell you."

Fuher Cleopatra listened to what Delphi said and became intrigued. "Really? What about?" The Fuher asked as her green eyes glanced at Delphi. "I'm not too sure. When I tried asking her about it, she told me that it's your ears that need to hear it." Delphi replied. "Well, I'm going to hear what the Oracle has to say." Fuher Cleopatra said before she went inside the Oracle's Volcano.

The Fuher coughed due to the presence of volcanic vapor all around. "By the gods, how does the Oracle even stay here?" Fuher Cleopatra muttered to herself as she approached the curtain entrance to the room of the Oracle. Fuher Cleopatra took a breath before opening the curtains and stepping inside the room. The Oracle smiled as the Fuher entered and took a seat.

"Greetings Cleopatra." The Oracle spoke with her warm voice as she opened the same ocean blue eyes Delphi had. "So uh- what did you want to talk to me about oh great Oracle of Greece?" Fuher Cleopatra spoke as she gazed at the older woman. "Please Cleopatra, you don't need to address me formally. Just call me Aquamarine." The Oracle replied. "Ok." Fuher Cleopatra said.

Aquamarine closed her eyes before she took a breath. After a moment, her eyes opened as they glowed white, while the vapors circled around the both of them. Fuher Cleopatra glanced at the vapor circle before back at Aquamarine.

"Come hither and listen dear Fuher," Aquamarine spoke with her voice echoing the cave, "For the gods have answered your prayers."

Fuher Cleopatra's head perked up at what Aquamarine was saying. Her attention was now on the Oracle as she continued to speak.

"The Trait of Love herself has found you a bride to call your Fuheriza. You will know it is her before you as she enters your throne room when the Spark itself binds both your hearts together."

The Fuher's eyes widened in awe as she listened. The vapor circle glowed a light blue as Aquamarine continued to speak.

"But be wary however, as 100 foreigners will arrive from beyond the fabric of the sky. 100 that have committed unspeakable crimes. While they may appear as peaceful from their world, do not trust them, for their leader has intentions of destruction. Be prepared to defend and lead the nations to drive away the Old from the New."

The vapor circle disappeared as Aquamarine closed her eyes, before opening them again to reveal them back to normal. The Fuher was in complete silence and shock, processing what the Oracle just said.

"100 foreigners? From beyond the fabric of the sky?" Fuher Cleopatra asked as she looked at Aquamarine. "Yes. The gods have told me that they will be coming from a huge ship that is a somewhat replica of Earth herself, except it's flat." Aquamarine replied. Fuher Cleopatra was silent for a moment before she got up. "Thank you Aquamarine." The Fuher said before giving the Oracle a bag of silver coins. "You're quite welcome." Aquamarine replied, "Now do stop with the eavesdropping and help the farmers bring their cattle in Delphi." (How to get called out 101-)

An embarrassed Delphi nodded their head before they ran out of the cave to the fields outside. Fuher Cleopatra watched her friend run outside before walking out and making her way to the docks. Her ship awaited her as she got there, ready to sail back home to her kingdom. Fuher Cleopatra stepped onto her ship and sailed back home in complete deep thought about what the Oracle told her. While she was happy that she was finally going to marry, she was concerned about how to deal with these 100 foreigners arriving from beyond the stars.

Why were these foreigners coming down to her peaceful home when they had their own world to live in?

What crimes so unspeakable did they commit to be sent down to Earth?

Who even were they?

The ship arrived at the docks of the United Kingdomof Germany before the Fuher went back to her palace in her carriage. As soon as she arrived, she sat on her throne and summoned her royal messenger. The Fuher then made the decree that would be delivered to the villages and cause the citizens widespread panic.

Here was the decree made:

"By order the Fuher, young women from every village ranging from the ages of 16 to 20, will be taken to the palace where the Fuher will select her bride to become the kingdom's Fuheriza. The wedding will commence at the time of the Harvest with great celebration throughout the land. If no bride is chosen, then all villages will be burned to the ground and taxes will be raised by 20%.

From her Excellency,

Fuher Cleopatra Helen Foray."

The Fuher was desperate to find her Fuheriza, she would even marry her cousin if she had to.

Unknown to the Fuher, her Fuheriza was among the 100 foreigners that would arrive on Earth. But the Fuher would have to choose to either marry her destined soulmate from the Old, or drive her out for the sake of protecting the New. Only the Spark would have to be powerful enough to bind their love together.

The New World (A Hearts and Heroes AU Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz