Chapter 3: Circle of Life

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Hello there my children!

Here is another chapter from me before I take off for the holidays of Christmas.

Don't worry y'all, I'll still be active a little bit, but chapters will not be starting up until after the holidays are over.

Until then, have a great Christmas and happy New year everyone :3

Now onto the chapter!

As the dawn approached the golden Aztec city of El Dorado (El Dorito-), the sound of snoring echoed throughout the palace on top of the high Aztec Pyramid. The source of the snoring was Chieftain Archimedes, as he slept on his bed made up of soft blankets and a large cushion that was somewhat of a giant pillow. The snoring fierce leader of his brutal warriors however, wasn't going to sleep in for much longer.

Slowly crawling towards the sleeping Chieftain was a tiny child about a few months old that had climbed out of his crib, unbeknownst to his sleeping nurse in the same room. The little one cooed softly as he reached the bed of the sleeping Chieftain, before climbing onto his chest and grabbing his face with his tiny hands to wake him up.


The Chieftain stirred as the little continued to grab his face.

"Dada! Dada!"

The Chieftain slowly woke up to his face being tugged and used one hand to gently grab and toss his son up in the air before quickly sitting up and catching him by grabbing his foot. The little infant giggled as he was held upside down while waving his arms. (Caedia's not gonna let Archimedes hear the end of that one-)

Chieftain Archimedes chuckled as he gazed at his son. "So you're up when the sun is huh Rhea?" The Chieftain asked as his son cooed. Chieftain Archimedes tossed Rhea gently into the air again before catching him with both arms as Rhea giggled. (10/10 Dad of the year-)

"There you are little Chieftain." The voice of Rhea's nurse Rosemary, spoke as she entered the Chieftain's chambers, hearing Rhea's cooing. Rhea cooed happily as he saw his nurse, while the Chieftain smiled. "Did he wake you up Chieftain?" Rosemary asked as she took Rhea from Chieftain Archimedes. "He did," The Chieftain replied as he got up from his bed, "I did promise I would take him up to Pride Rock to show him our kingdom."

Rhea cooed as he waved his arms happily. "Be sure you two get your bellies full of breakfast." Rosemary said before she carried Rhea to his room to feed him. "I certainly will." Chieftain Archimedes replied before he left his chambers to the dining area. The Chieftain passed by some of his servants, who bowed in respect for their leader as he passed by. Soon the Chieftain made it to the dining room where his breakfast awaited him on the table and took his seat.

Chieftain Archimedes licked his lips before digging into his breakfast of eggs, figs, toast, and fried cockroaches. (Don't ask-) He occasionally sipped from his golden cup of water while eating. The Chieftain's eyes glanced at the empty chair next to him that once belonged to his Chieftess. He sighed as he sadly recalled how he would watch his son grow up without the wife he loved.

He met her when she was discovered by a patrol of his Aztec warriors floating unconscious in the river, considered to belong to his mother, the Trait of Life. She was pulled out by Flaming Spear, the Chieftain's captain of the guard, and brought back to El Dorado, where the Shaman Meadow Breeze healed her of her injuries. When she awoke, she was taken to the high Aztec pyramid and presented to Chieftain Archimedes. The Aztec Chieftain saw how beautiful she was, and the both of them fell in love at first sight.

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