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Two more Days passed, and Rikki still couldn't get in touch with the pint-sized bassist's family back in Penn. He was trying not to show it, but he was starting to worry that something'd happened to them, and nobody'd been able to reach the band, 'cuz they were on tour at the Time. Considering everything else that was going on, that was the last thing his brunette friend needed to worry about, but keeping those suspicionsta himself wasn't easy.

        Rob was certainly a hyper and inquisitive lil booger, given that he was a grown man trapped in a baby's body. He got into absolutely everything that the drummer didn't have baby-proofed yet, but some of the things he got into was hilarious. Deanna lost half the makeup she hadn't packed to take with her when he decided he was gonna play in it after waking from a nap earlier than the blonde and managed to get off the bed without getting hurt. It was more than a bit of a surpriseta find him in the bathroom floor, covered in her foundation and just about anything else in powder form.

        "It's no Wonder your calling was in being a rock star," Rikki sighed, unable to help a smirk as he plunked him down in the tub for a bath after taping a grocery bag over his cast.

        "Eh?" The pint-sized bassist cocked a head at him like a curious puppy, and the sight was too adorable not to laugh at.

        "You're so hyper and crazy, dude," he chuckled, that smirk stretching into a grin. "If ya were this nuts the first Time around at this age, I shouldn't be surprised thatcha grew up to be in a band."

        He was answered by a devious lil giggle as Rob grinned and slapped at the Water that came up just high enough to submerge him to his waist.

        "'Cuz as it stands, you're a grown man in a baby's body, and you're still driving me insane," the drummer laughed, shielding his face as he splashed him. "Hey, ya lil booger!"

        The pint-sized bassist squealed, spluttering slightly as he laughed when he splashed him back.

        "God damn, but you're making me wanna have one of my own now," Rikki laughed.

        He snorted as he looked up and rolled his eyes, Water dripping down his face from the minimal hair covering his head. Being a daddy wasn't nearly as easy as he'd made it look during what lil Time he got to spend with Zak after said son was born. Just thinking about the infant in question made him sigh heavily and slap at the Water again, but this Time, it was obvious he wasn't being playful.

        The drummer gently rubbed his back as he got him to look up at him, hating every Time he saw tears form in those gorgeous Chocolate eyes. He knew that physically being a baby again was harder on Rob than he let on, and not just 'cuz he couldn't be nearly as Independent. It wasn't just his mother and older siblings that he was missing right now–he missed his wife and actual infant son just as much. Being unable to go home 'cuz of what'd happened to him'd to be killing him inside right now, and was no doubt part of the reason he was so cuddly.

        Rikki gently thumbed away the tears he didn't even notice start falling down his face, leaning over the side of the tub to hug him. He couldn't help a sob as he grabbed his shirt with his good hand, clinging tightly as the enormity of his situation hit him for the hundredth Time. Stuck in the body of a baby, he couldn't really do anything he wanted or needed to, and he couldn't go back home–hell, he couldn't even get his rocks off like this since that system just wasn't online yet.

        "Shhhh, lil buddy," he whispered, rubbing his back.

        Rob took a bit to Calm down so he could pull away slightly.

Baby of the Bandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें