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A quick pit stop at a pharmacy on the way home was meant to land the group with kid-friendly cough syrup that'd be safe for both boys. Rikki wasn't surprised when his friend refused to stay in the car, if only 'cuz he hated being buckled in for longer than he absolutely had to be. Heaving a sigh since he was just as tired and starting to get frustrated, he hefted his thirty pounds up outta the car seat, Mishy grabbing Zak's eighteen-pound self from his carrier.

        In the pharmacy they'd stopped at, he let the young woman take the lead since she already possessed a bit more Knowledge on this stuff. Maybe it wasn't by much since her son was only pushing a Year old, but he was certain it was more than what lil he'd acquired lately. She'd prolly be able to decide on the best cough syrup to suit both boys better and easier than he could 'cuz of that lil bit more experience and Knowledge. If not, then he'd know something definitely wasn't quite right and that she'd lost her mind or something else equally serious and tragic.

        Rob snuggled against his friend, his head mostly resting on his shoulder like kids were oft known for doing to whatever adult held them. He still wasn't feeling his best–at least, compared to what he'd felt when this'd all started–but certainly better than he'd felt even that Morn. Considering that he hadn't been sleeping well for the past few Days, that wasta be expected by the supposed couple.

        Just as they were about to turn toward the registers up front, they encountered a young woman who was shopping for her own young child–or at least, what appeared to be such. She couldn't help cooing over the cuties Rikki and Mishy held, even what appeared to be her daughter looking Awed. Letting the older of the boys gently grab her fingers from where his supposed daddy held him made her let out a soft gasp, her grip tightening just a hair when he tried to pull his hand away. It wasn't tight enough to hurt him or anything, but certainly tight enough to hold the lil appendage in place for a few moments as her eyes glazed over like she was in some kinda trance.

        "All ain't as it seems with this lil man," she finally said, her eyes focusing again as she seemed to snap outta it.

        "Well, he and his brother are sick with a Summer cold," Rikki said, shrugging as he tried to downplay the odd comment.

        The young woman shot him a look as she lowered her voice. "Don't feed me that bullshit–I can feel that he's really a grown man, and that the younger baby's really his son."

        He and Mishy both looked startled, even the pint-sized bassist shooting her a weird look.

        "Don't argue with a decently-experienced Witch who's good at what she does–which happensta include Energy work," she told them.

        "Mommy can sense things that others can't," the lil girl beside her giggled. "Even when she doesn't see me, she always knows when I sneak a cookie before dinner."

        "Well, that's how a lotta parents are, sweetie," the ginger told her with a chuckle.

        "Nuuuu, I mean even when she's upstairs, she still knows," she giggled. "She just touches the cookie jar, and she knows."

        The supposed couple weren't quite sure what to make of that as they shot a look at each other.

        "Just bring them to this address once they're feeling better," the other young woman said, handing a business card to the drummer. "No need to spread their cold, if we can help it, and besides, they need to rest."

        "Siren Mysticveil, Psychic Medium, Healer, and More?" Rikki read before looking back up at her.

        "Guilty as charged," Siren chuckled, smirking at him. "Although Siren Mysticveil ain't my real name–it's just my Craft name."

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