~Mini Story~part1~

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Introductions are the main basis for these things right, they're lame anyway. This story begins in land of Uiabreskin (Ueea-bresckin), in a not-so-little village east of Oakeno (Oak-eno) called Bekren (Breck-ren). 

The main palace is where the magic begins.

There once was a young, naive little princess, royal to a neighboring kingdom. She was planned to be wed to the prince in this kingdom, he was tall with his eyes deep as the Paubae Sea (Pawo-bae) and she loved to swim in those beautiful eyes of his. But one did not swim in those eyes without getting eyes from others, such as another princess who wanted him all to herself. The young princess did not like all the extra attention he was getting from this other princess so, she devised a plan to get rid of this so called "other" princess. Not anything truly dastardly by no means, but just a tad bit mad. 

'Set the stage for a trick' she thought 'A good old trick never hurt anybody, I'll set it by the river, and she'll float down to the next kingdom. A true peace offering will get her to show."

With the plan quickly being arranged , and the help of the young princess's best friend Halu, the phoenix. 

And every detail planned, the stage was set. 

Every so often her gaze would go to where the 'other' princess was suppose to appear, but hence no such thing had happened in awhile. Halu was suppose to come soaring back to let the young princess know of her appearance, but instead she gets the prince and her walking hand in hand with each other. Seeing their hands intertwined makes the young princess enraged, thinking of all the possibilities of what could have gone on while she was standing here, waiting for her big plan to unfold. But instead of change of plans was in motion. With the new arise of problems headed towards her, she had to think fast. 

As they were slowly approaching, she came up with the best idea possible. Run. But with her pride held in hand she put on her best smile and offered the flower she had been clutching beside her. 

"Princess ~~aris~, good to see you." -C

"Good to see you too Princess Ceraphene."

"I heard rumors you are to be wed very soon-" -C

"Yes, what are you getting to...."

"I may have made arrangements so you don't have to!" -C


"Isn't that wonderful!" -C

"I guess so-"

"Instead we made the arrangement to be wed!" -C

Red, red, hot fire, burning bright, searingly hot red fire. 

Within a blink of an eye, she was gone. Her lifeless body lay before her and all the young princess could see was red.

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