Chapter Three

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"...Dan?" Katie asked.

"Yeah," this so called 'Dan' said, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him. He walked to the opposite side of the room, giving Miku a weird look before rummaging through Robbie's stuff. He pulled out a ziplock bag filled with a strange powdery substance from one of Robbie's drawers, then stuffed it in his hoodie pocket. "Who's this? Rob's new roomie?"

"Uh... yeah, actually!" Miku smiled, receiving a cold glare from Dan. "I'm Mik-"

"Yeah! Cool!" Dan smiled brightly, mocking Miku. "Bye. Thanks for stealing my bed, by the way."

The boy left, leaving Miku and Katie alone. Katie frowned, looking at the door. That's the first time Katie had frowned in awhile. Miku looked at the ugly carpet sadly, letting out a sigh. Katie put her hand on Miku's back, rubbing it as she tried to console her.

"Hey, not everyone here is like that," Katie said softly, looking at Miku. "It'll get better! I can promise you Robbie is nothing like that. He's too scared to be mean. He's like me! That's why we're so close."

Miku smiled sadly, a tear rolling down her cheek. She lifted he hand and wiped her eyes with her hoodie sleeve.

"Miku..." Katie frowned, putting both her hands in her lap. "Hey, look at me. What's wrong?"

"Today has just- it's been so horrible," Miku sobbed, burying her head in Katie's shoulder. Katie rubbed her back as she continued. "First person I meet already hates me, second I fall on the stairs and nearly die, then the one girl who's actually nice to me's girlfriend hates me so she'll probably end up hating me too, then I steal someone's bed? What does that even mean!?"

"Miku, it'll be okay," Katie said softly. "You've still got so many people to meet. Like Maddie, and Payton, and... Robbie! Yeah, Robbie.... I'm sure they'll all like you. Things will look up, I promise."

Miku let go of Katie and smiled sadly.

"I think I just need to take a nap." Miku sniffled. Katie nodded, then made her way back to her dorm.

Miku awoke to someone standing over her. She was a little frightened, but wasn't all that shocked.

The unfamiliar face cocked it's head to the side, just as Katie would do, and scratched at it's face.

"I can't tell if you're awake or if my mind is just playing tricks on me." They said, reaching out to poke at Miku's eyeball.

"Ah, Rob, you're probably scaring the shit out of her," a voice said, one that sounded a lot like the Dan kid she had met last night.

This must be Robbie, Miku thought. She reached out her hand and poked right back at his eyeball, leaving an accomplished smile on his face. He's a little... out there, isn't he?

Miku sat up to get a better look a Robbie. He had messy curly hair and a round face, and seemed to have fallen asleep in his hoodie and jeans. Miku leaned forward a bit to see Dan asleep on the floor. She waved at Dan, receiving a wave and a smile back. He seemed to have been in a better mood than yesterday.

"So, I guess you're Robbie?" Miku asked, directing her attention back to the boy in front of her. He nodded, pushing his fists together and cracking his fingers. Miku cringed at the sound.

"Oh, sorry," Robbie said quietly, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket and playing with something inside it. "And, uh... I'm not here often. It's usually Dan... so if I just suddenly disappear for a day or two, don't worry about it. Writing about myself is so boring."

"What?" Miku chuckled, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes.

"Don't bother," Dan chimed in, standing up and walking over to the other two. "He says weird stuff like this all the time. I think he's just a little... special in the morning."

Robbie nodded, then left the dorm with no explanation. Dan soon followed.

"What the fuck is up with them?"

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