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"Let's make a bet."

Nathaniel doesn't like bets, in fact, he hated them. But in order to fit in the "popular crowd" he just needed to go along with whatever they say... no matter how much it went against his morals.

"What kind of bet are you thinking of?"

She grinned, with an almost unnoticeable glint in her eyes."I think it would be fun to make a certain someone fall for you, but don't actually date her, just make her fall. Then when the time comes that she confesses to you, shoot her down instantly, humiliate her and say that she was nothing to you, not even a friend. Just a bet, a pawn of a game."

His eyes widened slightly upon hearing her rather cruel suggestion.

"Isn't that a little too much?"

The girl looked at him as if baffled, "Too much? I'd like to say that that's not even enough. Why?" She chuckled a little at him, "Can't you do it?"

The guys around them laughed at Nate, and said, "Nate, this is nothing! She's average looking anyway so it shouldn't be too bad."

"Plus if this bet was given to any other guy they'd definitely take advantage of her." Nate's best friend, Paul whispered to him and nudged him a little, edging him to accept this ridiculous bet.

"Alright... I'll do it. What will I get if I succeed?" He asked in a defeated manner.

"Oh nothing too big, just that you'll become the most popular guy in Alveria that's all. And I WILL make sure that it comes true."The girl, that was cruel enough to suggest for someone to do this to their supposed best friend, smirked at him fully knowing that that's all that Nate wanted; it will show his father that he is capable of controlling a mass amount of people in a way.

He felt sick to his stomach, from the cruelness of it all. But he had to do it for his own reasons, even if he had to hurt someone that is innocent.. he would do it as he would benefit from it in the end. 

Little did Nate know that things were about to get crazy from there and that he was not the only one that will benefit from this catastrophic bet. 

Changing a good girl's warm and loving heart into one made of ice, Nate was sure to regret this in the long run... but he did not know that yet

"Alright, I'll do it."

Frosted Heart (ON HOLD)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum