Chapter Twenty-Eight - Finally, a plan

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"So... it's been kinda bugging me since you showed up, but, why does your suit's chest thingy glow like the villain bots?" After their slightly awkward introductions, à la Sero forcing him to face-plant the ground, the small group had set off down the seemingly endless maintenance tunnels in order to try and find the quickest route out of the building; Midoriya using the UA schematics to guide them, whilst Jirou used her Quirk to warn them of any incoming threats; plugging and un-plugging her jacks into the wall as they walked.

Turning his head slightly to look back at the girl, he felt his eyebrows knit together in confusion before he glanced down at his chest-plate. There, in the centre of the green and gold metal was the bright, baby-blue glow of his reactor. Midoriya tensed up slightly as he continued to walk, the fact that he was encased in his suit thankfully meaning no one was able to tell. The black disc he had placed over his Arc Reactor before entering the school had fallen off at some point, more than likely when he was knocked unconscious.

"Oh, um, if I tell you then you have to promise to keep it on the down-low, okay?" Turning his head back to face the way he was walking, he felt himself sigh. It wasn't like he couldn't tell people he had been the one to design the drones- but he really hadn't wanted to, especially this early into his time at UA.

"Yea, sure, we wont say anything, right guys?" The others in the group mumbled their own agreements to his condition; refusing to let their guards down too much, even if it was just to talk. He couldn't really blame them though, considering that they thought the test was real, so he just chose to sigh again.

"It's because me and my friend were the ones to draw up the original blueprints for these things," That got everyone to let their guard down, as every member of their make-shift group turned to stare at Midoriya with wide-eyes; confusion as well as a mixture of other emotions filling their faces. Kirishima looked as if he were going to say something, his eyes sparkling with respect, however before he could even open his mouth, Jirou beat him to it.

"We've got incoming; it sounds like a two-pointer, but I think there's another set of footsteps being masked by the noise, so... there might be something else!" Everyone turned their attention back to the tunnel; Midoriya raising his repulsors; Ojiro dropping into a fighting stance with his tail tense; Sero raising his elbows in a way that, whilst defensive, was also pretty funny to look at; and Kirishima charging up his already bruised and battered arms.

The five of them waited; still as the air as they listened for the incoming drone. The fire that was still raging around them, melting the tunnels down doing nothing to alleviate their discomfort as they found themselves sweating even more than their nerves were originally making them.

It started quiet at first, barely audible over the crackling of the fire, and the cries of the other students in the classrooms above the tunnels- but with each passing second, it only grew louder; the warping and splintering of metal as the drone forced its way through the tunnel towards them becoming more and more violent as it went on- eventually becoming so loud that Jirou was forced to cover her ears out of fear that her drums might rupture.

But that was when another sound joined the fray. From the end of the tunnel came a girl's scream, indicating that Jirou had been right in assuming that there was another pair of footsteps coming their way. Bolting around the corner they had been staring at came a girl with pink skin; a white fluid pouring from her hands as she continued to throw it behind herself at her attacker.

Not even a second later the two-pointer came crashing around the corner after her; it's four arms being reduced to one, as its three others had been melted into uselessness. The girl tripped, but before she could even hit the ground, Midoriya had started firing at the drone; destroying its reactor in only two blasts before using a third to launch it away from the girl; Ojiro and Sero launched themselves quickly into action as well; Ojiro using his tail to push himself over to the girl whilst Sero used his tape to secure the drone to the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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