Summary for SFIL Edited Series

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Do you ever wonder about Fate, Destiny, and Karma? Can you change them? How much control do you have over your life? Do you really have any choices in life, or do Fate, Destiny and Karma determine your life?

Silently Falling in Love is a series of three books that show how two people's lives change based on the Fate handed to them, the Destiny they cannot avoid and the Karma they create. One small change in fate can alter your destiny and karma. What would happen if you could change one event in your life? Would you even notice?

The series includes:

Silently Falling in Love: Lucky Charm. This is the original story between a husband and wife and their journey of how they came together, and after fifteen years together, do they still belong together?

Silently Falling in Love: Again. Our hero wished his heart had never been broken. Fate grants his wish. Is the change of event a blessing or a curse?

Silently Falling in Love: Race. Our heroine longs to leave home and the protection of her family to explore and find herself. Will she regret it, or will it be the best thing in her life?

(I've edited the entire SFIL series and I'm posting the edited version. I will be posting one chapter a day until all three books have been completed. I will be removing the edited version once I've posted the entire story because I want to publish the series. I'm so thankful for all of my original readers for reading and sticking through my trials and tribulations of writing. You stuck with me even though I didn't update regularly, and I had so many mistakes. So, thank you! This edited version is because of you!)

Silently Falling in Love: Lucky Charm  THIS IS THE EDITED VERSIONWhere stories live. Discover now