Chapter 8

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Assalamualaikum guys how are you all? May this find you in great health.

Here's the next chapter. enjoy.!


Hiba's POV

I parked my car in the university's parking area and made my way to the MBA block. As i entered i checked my watch to see that i still had 5 mins for the class to begin. I passed through thee hallway towards the stairs. I slowered my pace as i looked for my mobile in my bag. Walking through the corrider nearing the stairs i was struggling to get my phone as it had been playing hid and seek with me within my bag. I mentally groaned as i wasnt able to find it when...

BHAMMM..!!! my head hit to something that oushed me aback.

"Aughh.!!" I cried as i looked up from my bag and .... ya Allah.! my eyes went wide. Not her, early in the morning. She had eyes wider than mine staring me head to toe. my Economics Professor. Why the hell did i had to crash with her at this time i mentally groaned.

"What makes you walk like a maniac, miss Hiba.? She asked frowning at me.

" sorry mam" i stammered.

"Look where you walk miss Hiba, the first thing you are always sleepy in economics hour and then you rush up into random things and donot pay attention to where you are walking................................" and yeah she continues her 'amazing' mood lifting speech right at the midst of the staircase, especially when am getting late for my class.

"I hope you dont repeat this again." finally she concluded her speach after what seemed like decades.

"I will surely not mam and am sorry again" i nodded. and she walked her way.

I rushed through the stairs up to my classonly to find that the door was already closed and my law class had already begun. I slowly knocked at the door and peeped inside.Miss Veena smiled at me and so did I.

"Youa re late by 3minutes Hiba" she said raising an eyebrow.

"yeah..umhh..yes actualy rammed myself into..."

she cut me off " Dont worry you are allowed in dear" she smiled and i smiled back making my way to my seat.

"Only on one condition" she said. I sood where i was and turned to look at her.And looked at her with a confused face.

"you need to help this new friend of yours around the uni and show him various important places like library cafeteria etc.." she trailed of

"sure.. i will mam" i smiled at her turning back to look who the new student was.Halfwayt to seeing where miss Veena was pointing  i realised it was a boy and i quickly lowered my gaze. Thankyou for the morning shock miss Veena i mentally thought as i walked to my seat that was only two seats away from the "newbie". lucky me.

I sat in the last end of the class as i dint want eyes to ponder over me. There were barely anyone ready to sit in the last benches except a few girls who sat at the otheer end of the corner. But today a "change" the newbie was sitting next to me leaving a two seats gap between his seat and mine. Thankfully.

But i felt someone staring me and i was sure it was this wierd idiot newbie. I dint dare my head look in that direction and simply looked forward as miss Veena marked attendance.

His stares never stopped until miss. Veena yelled. "HAMZAA.!!"

"ummhh..yeah..yes in here" he said as he sat back looking down.

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