Meeting the Genius

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Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Warning(s): Wrong Grammar, Misspelled words, Grammatical Errors, OOC, and others that you can find.


Sky by Heart
Chapter 1: Meeting the Genius


"So this is Namimori." Reborn muttered while walking to his destination.

With the latest jet of the Vongola Family, he was able to arrive at Namimori without any hassle. He would have preffered riding a normal plane but babies aren't allowed to ride planes. Oh how convinient.

Skimming his new student's files once again, he placed the 'flyer' to the mail box. He was about to leave when suddenly a cold voice stopped him.

"Who are you?"

Reborn froze for a second. This is the first time that someone is able to sneak up to him. He turned to meet a familiar spiky haired brunet. Surprisingly, he is already wearing his school uniform. 'Sawada Tsunayoshi; the older twin,' He recited in his mind. 'Let's see how good you are.'

"I am just a baby walking in the street." Reborn said feigning innocence.

"You are lying." Tsunayoshi said. "Normal babies will not be able to walk without wobbling nor will they wear a suit for a walk at a normal day."

"Normal babies, will not able to walk with out wobbling nor will they wear suit for a walk at a normal day." Reborn  repeated, slightly irritating Tsunayoshi. "Who said that I am a normal baby? I can be a genius baby, or any thing that you can describe me except for normal."

"Don't make any excuses." Tsunayoshi said. "Suit yourself if you think that you may be able to trick me with your lies." Not bothering to listen to what the baby is going to say, he went to the direction to his school.

'Going so early? Interesting. And  this is the first time that someone managed to talk to me like that.'
'There is something different in him.'

'Something that no one would expect.'

Reborn thought while watching the retrieving figure of the brunet. He also went away, partially ignoring his new student. And went to where he intended to go.


With Tsunayoshi

'There is something different about that baby.' Tsunayoshi thought while walking to Namimori Middle School.

He continued to ponder around his thoughts because this feeling is different. And this feeling is telling him clearly that this will pull him out from his ordinary life.

Believe it or not his intuition proved to be accurate. Proven by experience of his life, his intuition hadn't been wrong, not even once. He doesn't know how, but he trusts this feeling. This mere feeling. Even though he doesn't believe in things without explaination for him, he finds this trustworthy.

Without even realizing, he is already at the gate. Wasting no time, he went inside.

As expected, there are only few students at this time. It is still 5:00 in the morning and others would still be sleeping. And the only ones present at this time are the seniors.

Tsunayoshi went to his usual favorite place in school during mornings. He went to the cherry blossom tree in the school backyard.

It is the quietest and most comfortable place-- in his conclusion, for him , to relax and read a book before classes. It is also perfect place to plain concentrate. This is the perfect place when you want to feel comfortable and/or relax.

After some time, he had finished reading his books, he closed it and glared at his left.

"There is no choice hiding."

A familiar baby emerged  from one of the bushes. "It is a wonder how you could always know if I am here."

"Why are you  following me?"

"Why should I answer that, Sawada Tsunayoshi?" Reborn replied

"Are you a stalker?" Tsunayoshi asked once more, getting pissed off for not being able to answer his question.

"Who wouldn't know of Sawada Tsunayoshi of Namimori Middle School. The so-called Indifferent Genius?"

"Tch. So you are---"  Tsunayoshi was about to say more but was cut off when he remembered that the bell is about to ring. Without saying any word, he sprinted to his classroom but not before almost wobbling at the sudden motion.

Reborn watched with amusement as the other ran to his classroom. But he turned serious as a question ran to his mind.

'Why am I so interested in him?'

After a while, he left and went to observe to where he ACTUALLY needed to go.


Precious-Little-Girl: Thank yoy for all the comments and votes for the first chapter! I was literally jumping around my room! ^^ And now this is the 1st Chapter!! :)

Sorry if this is only a short chapter.. Actually I only started this a while ago, so there might be mistakes..

I hope you like it! And comment if you have anything to say or any criticism abou this!

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