Chapter Seven

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I was crying so much, my whole body hurt. Why do people have to be so evil? Why am I even here? What did I do to deserve this. I coughed up some more blood and shivered from the cold. My clothes were in tatters and I have so many bruises, cuts and everything everywhere. I soon heard the door open.

"Pl-please... no more...." I cried out.

"I-I'm not here to hurt you... or do anything else to you... I'm just here to help." A soft voice spoke, I opened my eyes and looked at them.

It was a guy, he was shielding his eyes. But he was covered in bruises and scars.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Kerren. I came to take care of you... please let me..." he said.

For some reason, I trusted him.

"O-okay...." I said softly.

He came over to the bed, handing me a robe.

"Put this on, I'm so sorry this happened to you and your friend.... I swear to you, when I get the chance I will help you guys escape. I would do it now but all of them are here..." he said softly.

"I-I see..." I said and pushed through the pain to get the robe on after he had unlocked my handcuffs that were around my wrists and ankles.

"Decent?" He asked.

"I th-think so." I said and he opened his eyes. One was a very light grey while the other was a deep dark blue.

"I didn't want to look..." he said.

"That's okay.... thank you. Are you here to take me back to my cell?" I asked.

"No... they're moving you to a different room in the third floor along with your other friend Callie." He said.

"Wait what about Nancy?" I asked.

"She's on this floor... several rooms down." Kerren said.

"How big is this place?" I asked.

"Well given this is one of the most notorious criminal hideouts, they have a mansion. But the big boss isn't here. He's in France somewhere. I'm sorry I'm talking too much. Let me get you to your room."

I nodded and he helped me up.

Dan's POV

It's been 3 days since the incident at (y/n)'s job. I've been searching for her. I even got together with Nancy's husband and Callie's sister. Since we found out that Nancy and Callie were taken too. So it's been an extremely long 3 days. I'm almost tempted to make a video because we need the help. I looked at my phone and sighed.

"Dan..." I heard Elizabeth said. Who was Callie's sister.

"Yeah...?" I asked and looked up at her.

"Any luck?" She asked.

"No. Nothing at all. I don't know what to do. I need to get her back. I just need to." I said.

"Yeah... I know. I completely understand. I need to find Callie too." Elizabeth said and I nodded.

"Where's Joe?" I asked.

"Listening to police reports again. And calling to see if they got anything or found anything." She said and I sighed.

"Alright. Let's go help him. I'm gonna go out again, maybe do some more searching. I will not rest until we find them, but I think I might have to ask my community for help." I said.

Elizabeth nods and follows me to Joe.

Your POV

Kerren, Callie and I were sitting up in the room that apparently we all were sharing.

Callie and I were talking with Kerren, apparently he's been here for 7 years. He's a little younger than me, he's around Callie's age. Callie was 19, I took her as an intern when she was 16, right after she graduated.

I looked between the both of them and listened to him.

"Yeah... I was kidnapped and my parents never found me. At this point, I think that they think I'm dead. But I've helped others escape before so no one ends up like me. Everyone that has came through these doors had family that they had to get back to. I on the other hand do not. So that's why I'm so set on helping you guys escape. All of you. And honestly, you guys might be the last ones I'll be able to help. Because they've been getting extremely close to finding out that all those escapes were because of me." Kerren said.

"We can't just leave you here Kerren. Like absolutely not. I swear to you, that when we get out of here, we will help you escape as well. You don't deserve to live this life like that. From what I can tell, you're such a sweet guy and those people that you helped should have came back for you." I said.

"It's not that simple (y/n).... I really wish it was."

"We'll see to it that you escape." Callie said matter of factly.

"Thanks guys... honestly. I know I can't change your minds. But if this fails, please make sure you guys get home to your families. If I have to be a distraction, I will be. And if I killed in the process, so be it. At least my family will have some closure." Kerren said and I'll admit, I teared up some.

"Kerren, I have a very strong feeling that your final destination isn't here. And you'll have so much available to you once you're out of here. You can even come work with Callie and I." I said.

"Thanks (y/n) and Callie, you girls have been so kind to me." He said.

"And we will continue to do so." Callie said before I could.

I nodded and soon all of us laid down, we heard some footsteps coming towards the door so none of us wanted to risk it. We all pretended to sleep.

"How much ransom do you think we can get off of these girls if we disobeyed?" One said

"Probably a million or more. The short one with auburn hair, her sister runs a fashion company. They make millions every year. And they donate half of their profits to charities. But if we can intercept it, that can go to us." The other replied.

"Well what about the other one?" A different voice piped up.

"The one with (h/l) (h/c)?"


"Her fiancé is a famous YouTuber or whatever, from what I heard they make decent money so we could probably get a million or more from him too. They're all damaged goods so I mean it is what it is."

"Yep. Hmm..." I heard and soon I heard Kerren groaning and coughing.

"Kerren we need to speak to you for a moment." A guy said.

"Y-yes sir...." I heard Kerren say, he was out of breath though. I bit my lip. But the door soon closed and Callie and I looked at each other.

"We're in so much trouble." She whispered.

"I know." I replied and looked toward the door. "I think I'm going to be sick." I said.

"We'll get out of here (y/n).... eventually."

I nodded and sighed.

Dan.... where are you?

And this chapter is a wrap. I'm trying to update more frequently so I hope you guys like them. I'm thinking of adding more action to the next chapter. But that probably won't be out for another week or two, but if I make it sooner I will be sure to post.

Let me know what you thought about this story. I will be adding more of Dan's POV and possibly even Nancy, Callie and Kerren. Let me know if you would like to see that.

Thanks again for all the continued support with votes, comments and follows. You all are amazing. Love you and peace out!

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