Chapter Ten

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Your POV

I woke up some to the sound of cars screeching and the car being hit. The pain in my abdomen was getting to be unbearable but what can we do? I sat up some and bit my lip. I looked and Kerren was in driver seat, he was looking extremely focused. Callie was out and I applied more pressure to my abdomen but I was just feeling so sick.

I groaned out loud.

"(Y/N)... listen, I'm running out of ideas to get them off my tail, I don't know what they want or anything. We're running really low on petrol." He said to me.

"Then what are we going to do Kerren?" I asked.

"Well... I need to get you guys some medical attention." He said.

"Yes but you can't exactly stop..." I said.

"You're right..." he said softly, then he reached over and shook Callie awake.

"Huh?" Callie said tiredly and rubbed her eyes.

"Do you guys know how to tuck and roll?" He asked.

"I mean yeah but..." Callie started.

"Wait... are you saying you're going to make us tuck and roll?!" I asked, extremely surprised.

"You'll get the medical attention you guys need. And plus, your families will be able to find you quicker. I don't have anyone... so for you both to go home to your families is more than what I could ask for. And that is the plan." Kerren said.

"Kerren..." Callie started.

"Please guys, don't make this any harder than it has to be..." he said. "We've lost them for now but I know they'll be after us again. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I care about you both, I don't know if we'll meet up again in the future. But I need to get you both home."

"K-Kerren..." Callie said, you could hear that she was about to cry.

"Don't worry about me okay?" Kerren said.

"What's your surname Kerren?" I asked.

"Copeland." He replied.

I nodded and we rode in silence for a bit before we finally got to the hospital. Kerren looked around to check our surroundings for the hundredth time then he parked a little ways away. He got out and got Callie out then he came and picked me up. He carried me and had his arm wrapped her. We slowly made our way to the hospital emergency entrance. But then fear struck me when I heard some cars.

Callie looked behind us and she quickly turned back. "They're here." She whispered.

"Where are they?" We heard a voice. I clanged to Kerren, fear gripping me.

Kerren cursed under his breath. "Callie, we're gonna have to run." He said.

"What?!" She whispered yelled. "I can't run Kerren." She said.

"I know. Get on my back. Hold on (y/n)." He said and sat me down to where I was standing but he held me up. Callie got on his back and he adjusted her then picked me up again.

"Wait... is that... there they are! Get them!" A voice said behind us, closer than what I was expecting. Kerren held Callie and I then took off to the entrance.

He got us into rooms then we all said our goodbyes.

"Kerren you could hide out here..." Callie said, you could tell she really didn't want him to go. I didn't either but the way she was acting, I think this was more than just a friend concerned about a friend.

"I wish I could Cal... put that would put you both at risk and I don't want that. You both take care of yourselves okay?" He said then before anything else was said, Callie cupped his face and kissed him.

I grinned to myself.

I knew it.

Callie's POV

I slowly pulled away after Kerren had kissed back and I felt my face heat up immensely. I hid my face in my hands.

"Kerren.... I am so...." he cut me off.

"No. Don't be." He said. "You just want to make this harder don't you?" He asked jokingly.

"I mean...." I started then shrugged. "I couldn't help it. I don't know what it is about you..." I said softly.

"There's something about you too... but I have to go Callie... I'm so sorry... please take care of yourself and you too (y/n). I'm going to lead them away." He said then left.

I sighed and looked down.

"I knew you liked him." I heard (y/n) say.

"Yes but it didn't keep him here..." I said.

"Cal... he's doing this to protect us. I didn't want him to go either. He should have stayed with us and we call the police." (Y/N) said.

The police.

"(Y/N) we need to contact the police." I said.

"You're right." She said and the nurse came in. We both asked for a phone and called the police. We got everything out to them as much as we could then hung up with the police. I looked over at (y/n) and she was losing conciseness again. The nurse and doctor came in. We got taken care of.

Dan's POV

I was sitting in the living room when my phone started ringing. I grabbed it and looked it was the police. I answered.

"Dan speaking." I said.

"Dan we got some news that I think you'll be very happy to hear. (Y/N) has been located."

I jumped up so fast.

"Where is she?" I asked.

The police gave me the location. She was over 2 hours away at a hospital. I packed her a bag and went to see her. I got ahold of Elizabeth and she agreed to follow me. So I went to her house and her and her husband came out, they got in the car and I led the way.

2 and Half Hours Later

We pulled up to the hospital and went inside. We found their rooms and found that they were sharing a room together. So we were very relieved. We went to their rooms and knocked.

"Come in." I heard Callie's voice said and I opened the door.

Elizabeth went over to her sister, she hugged her. I went over to (y/n) and found that her eyes were closed.

"Babe?" I said softly.

"Hmm?" She said and opened her eyes. I was happy to see those beautiful (e/c) eyes. "Dan..." she said and I hugged her, my shoulder soon was soaked. I held her close.
"I missed you so much.... I was so scared." She said.

"I can only imagine babe... I can only imagine... I'm so so sorry I wasn't there to protect you. It's been hell without you.they didn't hurt you too bad did they?" I asked.

She stayed silent and cried more.

"Oh baby..." I said softly, this broke my heart so much.

I just held her close to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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