Kirishima x deppresed/ill! reader

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Request by: XxMinnowleafxX

A/N: WARNING! There will be slight angst in this chapter!! 


The prince fought valiantly. He slayed the dragon. The princess cried for days. She loved that dragon.


It had been weeks since your parents had locked you up in a tall, almost crumbling tower, and you were as bored as hell. Your only option to cure your boredom was to write stories on the stone walls with a sharp stick you had found in the corner of the tower. You swore you would've gone crazy if you couldn't let your frustration out. So you did. In your many stories that had now decorated the walls. All you wrote about was the revenge you swore to take upon the witch that had tricked your parents into locking you up in the wretched tower.

You had no means of escape either. The witch had positioned the dragon kings most trusted guardian at the doorstep of the tower and you were pretty sure he was always watching your every move.


Kirishima's POV

I had no idea why Bakugou had wanted me to guard this tower. All I remember him saying was that he was indebted to the witch of the west for saving his life. I knew someone important was locked away in this tower, I just didn't know who. He warned me not to look inside, however, my curiosity got the better of me. So one night I decided to take a peek into the stone tower.



I was awoken by a ticklish feeling on my neck and once I opened my eyes I was greeted by the face of a huge ruby-red dragon. I immediately shut my eyes again. This was it. It was going to eat me.

The dragon's head continued to explore the room I was trapped in, occasionally bumping into random pieces of furniture. Until its eyes began to glow. Quickly I dove under the covers, until the beasts heavy breathing stopped. I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when I saw the dragon had disappeared and instead in his place stood a young boy, about my age, with red hair and pointy shark teeth.


Kirishima's POV


I had turned into my human form to get a better view of the girl's room but before I could take in the view I had to wait for my senses to return. It was short side effect of transforming.


Oh crap. I thought as I realised the girl had woken up. She stared at me and as we locked eyes I saw that there was a thin blood trail from her lips. Pain evident in her eyes. I immediately rushed over to her.


Normal POV

You immediately backed away as the dragon boy rushed over to help you. Who was this strange dragon-human thing? And why was he rushing towards you? As your back hit the headboard of your bed you noticed the blood now leaking out dangerously fast out of your lips.

"Hey," the redheaded boy spoke softly, "you're gonna be fine. Just relax and let me help."

As he tenderly took your head in his hands you couldn't help but wonder who this boy was and why his hands were so god damn soft.

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