Genma x shy! reader

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Request by: TNAGirl

The leaf village was quite lively from what you had seen so far living here for the past couple of months but on this particular day, the village seemed more energetic than usual. You wondered what all the commotion was about while shopping for groceries before you bumped into one of the shinobi. You were new to the whole ninja concept but judging from his vest you assumed he was a jounin. He apologised and continued on walking. You decided to continue to the grocery store but both of you began walking in the same direction. The shinobi looked back and realised you were still on his tail.

"Look cutie if you keep trailing me I'm gonna have to assume you're a stalker." He smirked.

You didn't think the shinobi was talking to you so you continued on walking to the grocery store. What you didn't notice was that he was walking in the same direction the entire time. He was intrigued, he had never seen you before in the village and was eager to find out where you were headed. You also seemed to be walking in the same direction as him so he figured it wouldn't be too much of a bother to check if you were up to no good.

You stopped in front of the grocery store and headed inside. He saw you pick up a couple of snacks and two minute ramen. He was about to advise you not to eat so unhealthily until he overheard the conversation you were having with the grocery store manager. (Don't worry your not Karen you just know the manager because he went to your previous village.)

"Oh Y/N it's nice to see you again!"

"It's nice to see you too Kishimoto-san." You replied with a wide grin on your face.

"You know you ought to stop eating two minute ramen everyday. You'll get sick if you continuously eat it." You knew the manager meant well but ramen was the only thing you could afford right now since moving into the leaf.

"Oh don't worry I'm pretty sure I'll never get tired of eating ramen!"

"If you say so." He replied with a hearty laugh.

"Oh by the way why does the village seem more lively than usual today?" The manager looked very confused.

"You don't know what day it is?" You shook your head.

"It's Christmas!" You slowly tilted your head to the side. The manager looked surprised. How come you didn't know what Christmas was. Then he remembered. Your village never really celebrated anything so you probably had no idea what Christmas was.

Genma was shocked at what he heard. How come you didn't know what Christmas was? It was like the holiday of holidays! He was determined to show you the beauty of the holidays. So he invited you to his house after you had had your conversation with the manager.

You were honestly shocked that the ninja wanted to show you his house. Nobody in the leaf ever approached you. They all thought your habits were quite strange. You were about to refuse the ninjas offer until he brought up The subject of free dinner. You weren't one to refuse free food so you gladly tagged along with him.


Once you reached his house you were immediately greeted by the Shinobi's overprotective parents. Genma quickly explained that you weren't his girlfriend and that he had invited you to their house to show you the meaning of Christmas. His dad still gave you the whole 'break his heart I'll break your head' lecture.

You enjoyed the time that you spent with Genma and his family and eventually you began to learn what this whole holiday was about. His family showed you many traditions however one of them was your favourite.

As you were about to leave you felt something brush against the top of your head. Genma's parents smirked at you and slowly filed out of the room. Your were about to ask what was wrong with them when you felt a soft pair of lips brush against yours. Genma's face was tomato red as he explained the whole tradition about mistletoe.

As you reminisced about your first mistletoe kiss you failed to realise that your ramen had gotten ice cold. 

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