Alois x reader

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Request by: MissSuttcliff

You woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the sunlight draping across your face. Even though you were quite tired after your fight last night with Claude, about who should take care of the master while he was out of the mansion, you had to get up and help get the master ready.

Hurridly getting dressed in your (f/c) maid outfit, you rushed down the corridor, nostalgia hitting you with every step you took. You had been working in the Trancy mansion for over a year now but it felt just like yesterday when you first arrived, bright-eyed and ready to do whatever it took to repay your families debt to the Trancy's.

Quietly knocking on the master's bedroom door you softly spoke. "Master Trancy, it is time for you to get ready for your ball tonight." The door slowly cracked open and you made your way inside.

You quickly got the master dressed but something felt rather off, he wasn't speaking to you like he used to. Normally he would crack a rather inappropriate joke by now or ask you to inform him of what he was required to do today but he appeared distracted and his gaze was purposely directed away from your figure. Had you done something wrong?

You knew you didn't have much of a close relationship but it kind of hurt knowing he was trying to ignore you. You thought you should try and ask him what was wrong but after debating your options you decided against it, he would probably punish you if you spoke against his will.

As you were leaving the room you thought you heard the master whisper something but upon turning around you realised he had fainted on the floor against his bed. Your eyes widened as you rushed towards him trying to check if he was still breathing or not. Placing two of your fingers under his nose you were relieved to find out he was still alive. Gently resting him on the bed you promptly rushing to call Claude, momentarily forgetting he had left the mansion to go on his mission until a hand pulled you back.

You looked back and realised Alois had grabbed your hand, his eyes pleading you not to leave him. You smiled gently and sat next to him on the bed, still grasping his ice-cold hand. His eyes lit up and he fell back into a slumber.

When you were absolutely certain he had fallen asleep you got up and got ready to prepare everything for the ball in the evening. It took you quite a while but with the help of the other servants, you managed to get the mansion ready for the master's guests for the evening ball.


"Master Trancy, it is time for you to get up now." He recognised that soft voice all too well.

Slowly opening his eyes, he sat up, taking in your gorgeous form. Your silky (h/c) hair was out from its regular bun and cascaded down your shoulders and your makeup was lightly done. You were no longer in your maid's outfit and had changed into a gorgeous emerald green dress that, he had to admit, accentuated your curves perfectly. In all, he thought you looked like an angel.

"Y/N, what happened to me? Has the party started?" You looked surprised but answered in a timid voice.

"No it has not begun yet but the guests have started to arrive, however, the triplets are taking care of that."

He nodded. "I say, Y/N you do look rather ravishing." He purred slowly walking towards you. You gulped.

"Y-your outfit is there master Trancy, I would assist you but the guests require my presence." Stuttering you hurriedly scurried out of there before he could do something to you.

"Aww, the little kitten left."


You spent the rest of the evening entertaining the quests and getting them whatever they required. However, you still could not shake the feeling that someone was watching you.

Finally managing to get away from the mass crowd of people that filled the ballroom and hallways you found yourself up on the roof. You had to admit, the view from up there was amazing.

"Don't jump Y/N." You heard a lighthearted voice call from behind you. Peering into the darkness you saw Alois, sat on tiles, he appeared to be in deep thought.

"Have you been up here long master?" He smiled.

"So you didn't notice how long I was gone?" The question came as a shock to you and before you could answer, he grabbed your hand and pulled you to sit next to him.

"You know I saw you getting real cosy with Ceil, shame really, having such a ravishing woman like you wasted on him." Your heart raced. You didn't know weather it was because of what he asked or because of how close he was to you. You could practically feel the warmth of his breath on your face.

He turned and looked you straight in the eye. "Do you like him? Do you prefer Ceil over me?" You stared into his irises They displayed many emotions but the most prominent of all was jealousy. Admittedly, you liked the fact that he was getting jealous, you enjoyed his attention and before you could open your mouth a realisation hit you. You were cuddling, on the roof, with your master. What would people think if they saw you two together?

You quickly moved to get up but the boy held you in place. His eyes burned with anger. "Answer me Y/N!" You gulped. As you were about to call one of the servants to come and help you until you noticed that Alois's eyes had glossed over. He was on the verge of tears.

You had no idea what to do so you did what you thought was normal do to in any situation like this. You simply hugged him. His eyes widend but after a few moments of hesitation he returned your embrace.

"You're not going to leave me like everyone else?" You shooked your head.

"I won't ever leave you, Alois. Not again."

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