The Meet

947 28 22


Please be out by tomorrow morning.

I'm Sorry

I stare at the note baffled. Kicked out.. by my best friend??

I glance at my phones clock and realize I only have so long till I had to be out.

Walking into the room I sit down on the bed and open Seáns contact.

By chance do you know of any places to stay in the area?

Seáns response was almost immediate.

Not really. I don't live here.
I can ask around though. How soon is Thomas kicking you out? 🤭

Tomorrow morning...

I didn't want to drop that on him, especially since we're just starting things out. But I wanted someone to talk to.

Possibly to see if he could talk to Thomas as well.

Are you fucking serious??
I'll talk with him but until then let me see what I can do.

Before I could respond back with, I'm fine, I can find something, he responded with,

And I don't mind. Don't worry. Just worry about packing.

I smiled and packed everything I unpacked. Everything else was left packed.

I waited in the room for hours, watching videos of Seán before I got a call from him.

"Top of the Morning to ya!" I called out into the phone as I answered.

Seán automatically laughed, "I see someone has been watching my videos."

"I needed a pick me up." I shrugged picking at a nail looking around the room. "Any good news?"

"Actually, yes!" I could hear the smile. "A friend offered to lend you a room until you get back on your feet."

"Oh?" I smile nervously. "Which friend?"

"You met him at the bar, Mark? He had brown hair, Korean,-"

The phone was taken away and interrupted by a ruffer voice. "-Handsome, stacked, sooo tall."

I could hear the struggle between the man and Seán with the phone.

"I'm guessing your the famous Mark?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Famous? No no no. I don't like that title. More like-"

"-Narcissistic?" Seán said getting the phone back. "Egotistical?" He laughed.

"Egotistical and narcissistic? That sounds mean," I laugh. Seán chuckles before reassuring me it's not.

"Don't worry, it's just that type of friendship." Seán changed the topic again, "So, do you think it would work with you two?"

I glance around the room, a feeling of sadness washing over me.

I guess it have to work wouldn't it?
I can't stay with my best friend any more can I?

"It's going to have to.. right?"

Seán sighed through his side of the phone. "I'm still trying to get in touch with him. But I think he's in work."

I gave Seán a silent nod, "So, when are we loading my stuff in his house?"


Seán and Mark arrived not too long after I hung up. I brought my stuff downstairs to leave faster and so I didn't have to be caught by Thomas.

I loaded everything in Marks van and sat in the back with his dog, Chica.

"You're like a stowaway." Seán said looking back at me from the front seat.

I gave him a weird look while patting Chica's head. "A stowaway?"

"Yeah!" He exclaimed, his eyes passionate as he looked forward. "Like, we saved you from a tall tower and now we're transporting you from the tower to a castle!"

Mark glances to him with a poker-face, "Seán I don't think you understand what a stowaway is.." Before he begun to laugh.

I laugh as well, hugging Chica. "My knights in shining armor."

"You know it!" Seán said as he flexed his arms for me.

We arrived to Mark's house which was on the other side of the city.
As I helped take my things in, I realized how big the house was.

It didn't show in the outside but the inside definitely was huge compared to the places I'd ever lived at.

"Damn.." I exclaimed as I looked around, walking slowly as I took the last bit of my stuff to the spare room.

"So, how do you like it all?" Mark stood at in the center of the living room facing me as he smiled nervously. Seán also looked to me with worry.

"It's nice, I like it." I smiled looking around, "Are you sure it's okay, Mark?"

Mark nodded as he walked over to me. "Trust me, it's not a problem. Anything for a friend in need." He leaned in closer and whispers quickly, "Seán also really likes you too so two friends in need."

He gives me a wink before turning around and clapping his hands. "So, Amy isn't coming back with groceries for a little while longer, so do you two want to play any games? Challenges?"

"Challenges?" I question but Mark pointed at me and grinned.

"One for challenges and..?" He glances at Seán.

"Well I was going to say games but-"

"Well, I'm majority vote and I say a challenge!"

"But, what's a challenge?" I ask again.

Seán rolls his eyes at Mark before turning to me. "It depends on what he's going to challenge us with. There's the 7 Second challenge, the Whisper challenge or-"

"-The NewlyWed game!" Mark smirked looking between the two of us.

What a wonderful challenge...

//Happy New Year!!

I promise I'm not trying to make Mark out to look like a dick, he's just trying to play it cool with ya 😤.

And if you have any NewlyWed questions you want to be "asked" in the next part ask them here and I'll include them.

Thanks for reading 😊


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