The Leave

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"We'll start after Seán leaves so you two have time to spend together."

Seán laid beside me in my bed, holding me close. I stared at the ceiling to my new room as I pondered new thoughts...

"How long will you be away from me.." My voice cracked through the silence.

I could feel Seán tense up when I asked.

"A.. Awhile.." His arms held me closer as his head laid on my chest.

I run my hands through his hair as I take in a sigh. "Seán.. What will I do without you."

There was a long pause before he responded.. but when he did he sat up, letting the moonlight hit him from the window, his signature childish smile was all I could see.
"We'll do everything before I leave."


Seán nodded excitedly, "We'll go on another date, go to a movie, arcade, go-"

"Seán you leave at 3 tomorrow." I looked at him with a soft smile. I appreciated what he was going for but-

"Then get dressed." He hopped off of the bed and scooped up his shirt from the ground.

In awe I stood up. "Seán you can't be serious now." I walked to him as he put his shirt on. "It's like 12 right now."

He turned to the clock I had just set up next to the bed and flipped it off before turning back to me smiling. "C'mon. One last chance to make a great memory before I leave."

I looked into the puppy eyes of his and I couldn't say no.

"Give me a second to change into something comfortable."
Seán bounced a small bit, excited for the new change in plans, before he gave me privacy to change.

Seán and I walked around for a small bit before deciding on a movie to watch.

We watched the only movie that was playing at this hour. But instead of watching we talked the entire time.

Luckily, there was no one to shush us when we laughed at our jokes or talked to loud, so we did such.

When we left Seán led me away from the movie theater almost immediately, holding my hand eagerly.

"Where to now?" I ask not minding him leading this time.
"First, to check for coffee. Second,-" He glance back at me for with a smile. "It's a surprise."

I huff and smile back at him.

But I soon lost it when I saw the café, I used to visit.

"I don't think they're open.."

Seán stopped at the door, peering in before pulling out his phone.
"I guess not but someone can do me a favor."

"Thomas? But-" He gave me a small glare that shut me up.

"Trust me on this." He said before the doors opened, Thomas giving me a questionable look before looking to Seán.

"What's up?"

Seán put his hands together and pouted. "Pleeeeease could I get coffee and a drink for (y/n)."

Thomas sighed rubbing his eye bridge, "Seán. It's not even time for us to open."

"I know but could you do that for me considering our previous talk?" Seán turned his puppy dog eyes on, making Thomas groan.

"Give me five and I'll bring it out to you two." Thomas left the two of us alone, making me turn to Seán.

"You spoke with Thomas?"

He nodded, looking to me. "I did a bit when we were coming to get you yesterday from his house."

I held his hand before looking into the café. "Well.. What did he say..?"

Seán sighed while in deep thought. He leaned against the wall while bitting his lip.
"I think.. it's best if you talk with him.."

I watched as he stayed in thought, looking to the ground while squeezing his hand.

It's the last thing I'd want to do with Thomas.. I hurt him and when behind his back..

"Don't get in your own head. A talk would be good for you too." Seán said before being cut off by Thomas interrupting our talk.

"Here you two are." Thomas said hand us our drinks, not fazed by both of us jumping. "Now please hurry along. I don't want others to think I give you two a better treatment."

We chuckle before quickly running from his shop, clutching our drinks for dear life.

"Thank you!!" I cried to Thomas before he disappeared from sight.

"Ireland?" I gawked as Seán answered a question of mine. I still followed behind him, as we got closer to our surprise destination.

"Mhmm." He nodded, taking a sip of his drink. "Born and raised."

I thought for a moment, "So you lived there you're entire life..?" Again Seán nodded.

"So would you want to live somewhere else at any point..?"

I watched as his gears turned for a few moments. "Let's see where and I'll think about it."

Seán smiled back at me as he stopped. "How's about a dip in the water?"


I glance away from him to find he had taken us both to the beach. My eyes had widened as I looked around. "How we get here? How did you take us here without me actually knowing?"

Seán had laughed to himself before patting me on the shoulder. "Let's just enjoy it and not worry about the little bits, shall we?"

I nod tapping him on the shoulder, leaving Seán confused until he watched me sprint to the water.

I heard Seán's muffled footsteps behind me as he attempted to catch up and beat me to the water.

We swam in the cold water for what seemed like hours before stepping out, our teeth chattering, and sitting on a bench nearby and watching the sunrise.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched the colors change in the sky. My hand holding his.



"I'm going to miss you.."

"I'll miss you too.."

//sorry it's so late. I finally started college again and I am just bombarded with work. 😭

And I thought it would be sweet for a small closure to Seáns leaving.

If y'all have any ideas for Mark's "drunk" video, leave it here please! 🙌

Also, Seán hadn't told you where he lived before but told you he was from in "the Friends".


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