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Evelyn's pov

It was the day of the first trial and I was extremely worried about Harry unlike Lyn who wasn't as worried about Cedric anymore, she knew he could take care of himself. I wasn't as confident in Harry, he was only 14, he was far too young and inexperienced.

I was sat between Veille and Lyn with Cateline sat beside Lyn. There was a Swedish Short-snout chained up in the rink and then a whistle sounded and Cedric came out of a tent at the side. The whole crowd began cheering for Cedric and Lyn grabbed my hand. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as Cedric stepped into the rink with the dragon.

"Don't die out there you moron!" Lyn yelled.

Cedric looked over at us and gave us a thumbs up before he had to dive out of the way of fire.

"If you die I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself!" I yelled.

"Oui!" Veille agreed.

We watched as Cedric rushed across the arena dodging fire and claws and weaving between rocks. He tried to climb up onto a higher rock that had a huge golden egg on it but he was knocked away by the dragon's tail.

"Use your wand!!" Cateline yelled.

"You're a wizard for gods sake!" Lyn yelled.

Cedric ducked behind a large rock and we couldn't see him. Suddenly a Labrador ran out from where Cedric was hiding and the dragon went after it. Cedric rushed out from his hiding spot while the dragon was distracted and began climbing up the rocks. He accidentally knocked a large rock down that hit the dragon's tail attracting its attention back to him.

"Please don't die, please don't die." I muttered as I squeezed Lyn's hand tighter.

The dragon shot towards Cedric as he scrambled up the last bit of rock. Cedric was blasted with fire but he continued sprinting forwards. I could see the scorch marks on his face as he scooped up the golden egg and held it up to show of his victory. In that very moment about 12 wizards stunned the dragon.

Everyone erupted into cheers, everyone was thrilled that he had just defeated this huge dragon. Lyn looked so proud of him.

"Go check on him." Lyn said as she turned to me. "I know you're worried."

I nodded before rushing through the stands, weaving between other students as I made my way to the medical tent. I tripped over my own feet on the way down the stairs but I managed to catch myself on the railing. I burst into the medical tent and immediately saw Cedric standing talking to Madam Pomfrey.

"Cedric!" I called drawing his attention to me.

I rushed forwards and hugged him.

"You know, I was expecting my sister but this is good too." Cedric said as he hugged me back.

"What is with you and getting into trouble?" I asked as I pulled away from him.

"I don't know but if it leads to spending more time with you then I could get used to it." Cedric said.

"Look at your face." I said as I reached up a hand and touched his face gingerly. "Does it hurt?"

Evelyn PotterWhere stories live. Discover now