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Evelyn's pov

The yule ball was approaching and the end of term was drawing near. Snape had decided to give us a test on Love potions. Veille, Lyn, Cateline and I were all studying in a spare classroom.

"Ugh! Snape is the devil! Who gives a test right before Christmas!?" Lyn complained.

"Snape." Cateline said. "Now, who has the notes on basic love potion formulas?"

"They're over here, I think." I said as I gestured to the mess of books and papers in front of me.

"You need to be more organised. Here." Veille said as she began sorting through my papers.

"Someone pass the textbook." Lyn said.

Cateline grabbed a textbook that was covered in different coloured sticky notes.

"The things in pink are love potions." Cateline said.

"Someone remind me to poison Snape for this." I said as I passed Cateline the basic love potion notes.

"I might beat you to it. Je déteste Snape." Veille said.

"If we have to do all this potions work lets at least have an interesting conversation. Who has a date to the dance?" Lyn asked.

Cateline's face turned bright red as she tried to make it look like she was working.

"OooOooh~ It looks like Cateline has one." I said.

"Alors, who is it?" Veille asked.

"G-George Weasley." Cateline muttered.

"That's cute." Lyn said.

"I asked Cho to go with me, she said yes, I'm gonna confess to her there." Veille said happily.

"That's great, l hope it works out for you." I said.

"Has my idiot brother asked you yet?" Lyn asked.

"No." I replied.

"We'll need to sort dresses." Cateline said.

"Leave it to me! Give me your measurements and I'll get all the dresses." Veille said.

Time skip

We had finished studying and were hanging out in the Hufflepuff common room thanks to Lyn getting us access.

"Hey Evelyn, do you still have my textbook in your bag?" Cateline asked.

"Yeah, hang on a sec." I said as I went to grab it from my only to realise my bag wasn't there. "I'm an idiot."

"What did you do?" Lyn asked.

"I left my bag in the classroom." I replied.

"Its not that far from here, just run and get it." Veille said.

"Yeah, I'll wait and let you back in." Lyn said.

"K, I'll be back in a minute then." I said.

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