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Copyright 2019

All rights reserved .This book or any chapter from it may not be reproduced or copied in any manner, by anyone other than the author.

All characters,plots,events and settings are fictional and of the writer's imagination.




I would like to thank all my close friends ,who have read and loved my book from the first chapter and since then given me their continuous support in writing my book.
It has been a wonderful journey to write this book because all your support and patience kept me motivated.
I would always be grateful !

To the reader :

As the author of this book,I hope you enjoy every chapter,find the humour in it,learn a lesson from it and discover Loran's hidden secrets.

It took great patience and effort in ensuring that this book is well created to awaken and excite your imagination.

With love from me to you...

Enjoy reading!


"Loran come down here this instant, I'm definately not repeating myself ; just hurry up ! "
Loran's mother shouted from downstairs with great anger sensed in her tone.

"Okay , mom... you're such a pest but I'm coming anyway"
Loran squealing with irritation coming downstairs dressed like a 'princess' in purple heels ,DH jacket, sparkly-glitter sequenced t-shirt and umbrella skirt.

"Loran ,why do you look like a princess who's prepared to be seated on a throne ,when I've instructed you to take the garbage out - several times? Do you have any shame for your behaviour ?"

Her mother stood close to the kitchen counter ,leaning against the cupboard door as she's tired of standing on her feet and doing the house chores all day . The dishes were packed in the sink and greasy pots were all over the kitchen ,some on the stove,next to the stove and the dishwasher filled aswell. The dishtowel seemed as if it was carelessly thrown over her mother's shoulder .Her hair was crusty with a wrecked messy bun tightened by a blue ribbon.

She had bags underneath her eyes and swollen feet traumatically tucked into her slippers.

Loran on the other hand gave no response to the questions asked but continued applying her nailpolish instead.

In frustration her mother looked at her and sighed ,"Are you just gonna' stand there without getting involved in any task?"

"Well mom , nice question you're asking after you were the one to retrench Ellah ! "

Loran's answer was the outbreak of a raucous argument .

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