Developing change

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It is 5am and Loran is sitting at the breakfast table and yawning since she had woken up.
The doorbell rung and her mother rushed to open it.
Standing before her is a tall man dressed like a hotel porter in navy blue uniform ; a titanic white shirt ,neatly ironed, navy blue pants,blazer and shiny black shoes.

"Yes ,how can I help you sir ?"

"I'm Mr Pauls.I am looking for Miss Elizabeth Stevens.I would be the driver of Miss Loran Stevens, to the airport."

Mr Pauls has a British accent and calmly toned voice as if he were singing to a little girl.

"Oh, then you're at the right place. I am Miss Elizabeth Stevens indeed. Do you mind waiting while I call my daughter?"

"Not at all madam."

He patiently waited at the doorstep while his eyes gazed around the beautiful rose garden in the front yard.

"Come dear ,your driver has arrived !"

Her mother took her by the hand and helped Loran with one of the suitcases.

"Thanks for the help.I'll kinda' miss you mom."

"Me too honey.Now go before you're late for your flight."

Loran hesitantly took the rest of her luggage and dragged it along with her to the door.She sorrowfully thought of what Scotland holds in store for her, with each step she took towards the door.
_ _

Its 6:05am and Loran is in the plane.
To keep herself occupied, instead of reading a book, listening to music with her headphones or just simply relaxing like any other teenager would've done, she decided to reapply her makeup,redo her hair and read a cosmetics magazine.

She thought of the long way ahead and how it would be exhausting sitting and just staring out the window , watching the blue sky and clouds.
Resting her eyes for a while would help reduce wrinkles and calm her face. Just the minute she closed her eyes a hard knock from behind her seat disturbed her.She ignored it at first but became irritated the second time round as it was deliberately done on purpose.

She turned over to see what had happened and found herself looking at a boy, assumingly aged six. She leaned forward in order to talk to him ,when she realised that he was wearing headphones and playing video games and that the conversation might be useless. The person who sat beside him seemed like his mother but she was fast asleep.

"Hey, would you mind my seat in front of you,it's quite annoying when you knock it."

He noticed that she was talking to him and removed the headphones.
"Hi there gorgeous face and you were saying..."

Dumbstruck Loran couldn't believe her ears.
Could it be that a six year old would be speaking to her in that manner?

"I was telling you to stop knocking my seat."

"Ohhhh-I am so mean. I need to introduce myself. I am Tim and I am six years old. It is nice to meet you and don't worry I purposefully kicked your seat."

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