First secret revealed

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The question was very personal indeed.
It opened a wound of the past ; a secret that is between a triangle of people which was never disclosed to any loved one or close friends.
Hidden in the hearts of three people.

This all happened when Loran was just 11 years old.

As usual Loran's parents had a disagreement that led to an arguement.This time round the arguement was for the fact that her father wanted to leave New York and move to Scotland.Loran's mother was a housewife back then and felt that the money could be saved for when it's actually needed.

As a child , Loran's wellbeing and opinions were never considered but ruled instead.
During the arguement , Loran decided for herself just this once in her life ,to escape through her bedroom window.
Loran then found herself running towards an abandoned factory.
She suddenly felt dizzy and unzipped her backpack and used the eyedrops to clear her vision on her way ahead. In a split second she fainted; accidentally knocked her head against a shelf, slit her wrist and damaged her eyes.
She was hopitalised for five weeks.Doctors and optomitrists said she would be blind for life due to the external damage on her eyes and optic nerves.What the doctors didn't know was that the eyedrops became mixed with one of the chemicals a scientist stored in a test tube,which he named "Sulfuricticularic Acid"
which became the protective shield to her cornea but unfortunately entered her bloodstream through her veins and created an unusual reaction with her blood cells and created her supernatural ability.

Her parents were happy to have her alive but not as a daughter with a supernatural ability.It felt like a disgrace to the family.Her father felt uncomfortable with the whole situation and moved to Scotland three days later and left her mother with the burden.

Loran felt upset and weird,that her eyes could change colour.
Imagine what her family would think.Imagine how unusual it would be when she gets livid, her eyes would turn purple.
When she falls in love it turns from brown to grey.When negative energy is out of her control she starts moving objects with her eyes.

All those statements made Loran suicidal but her visits to the psychologist changed her mindset about it all...

So she decided to keep it a secret.

The fact that Tyson asked why her eye colour changed made her realise who she actually is and it's the real her she always denies.



The following day Loran just woke up,prepared herself ,went downstairs for breakfast and did her chores straight away.
Just as she had wished not to see Tyson for the day ,he noticed her when she hadn't.

He approached her while she was busy feeding the chickens.

"Why did you run away last night?"

"I was just tired that's all.."
She avoided eye contact with him.

"Look at me Loran!"
He demanded while touching her chin.

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