~The Story of Amethyst~

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My name is Amethyst LaRose, and I was born to King Louvere and Queen Narita.

My story is simple. When I was born on the 10th day of December, my parents were overjoyed. They loved me from the moment they had seen my tiny face, delicate fingers, and chubby cheeks.

My mother named me Amethyst after the stone. The stone is a deep shade of purple. My mother wanted to pay tribute to my Grandmother, whose favorite stone was an Amethyst. My father told me I reminded them of her.

I was born with jet black hair that shone like the moon. Neither of my parents were born with hair as dark as mine, and it's still a mystery to everyone today. My mother was born with fair blonde hair, and my father a dusty brown. I have been told that some of our blood lines run deeper than any of the kingdom knows. I have never understood much of what anyone meant by that phrase.

As a young princess, I was thrown with welathy banquets, lavish clothes, and expensive toys. I was the Princess of Alamon.

My mother became sick when I was around the year of 2, and it caused much trouble to her. When she had overcome the illness, she couldn't conceive again. It troubled my parents greatly. You see, in our times, Royal families are supposed to be large. Expansion is one thing our Royals are known for. When my mother couldn't conceive, that means I was the only heir to the throne. Most of the time the Princes are set to take the throne, even if a Princess is older.

The despair in the kingdom with the news was extroardinary. Many welathy and royal families from other countries came to us with gifts and sobs. I was young at the time, so much of what I remember is vague.

As I grew older, my parents would keep me under their watch. I was never allowed to play with the other children outside, for fear of cuts and bruises that could turn into an illness or disease with the possibility of death.

So It's safe to say I was an introvert growing up. I grew up around the older royal maids and servants. They were my company. I grew to have a friend named Sadie who was 4 years older than my pardon. We used to play around and around the castle, pretending dragons were going to come and attack us with fire and flames. We used to pretend our princes would come and save us.

"Oh Prince Jeffrey! Thank you for saving me!"

We only giggled.

Times grew worse as I matured. When I reached the age of 13, a plague had soon touched the grounds of Alamon. The Kingdom was in a storm of Panic. While everyone around us was worried sick, my parents only fretted worse.

I remember the time like it was yesterday.

My mother came into my room one morning to greet me to rise from bed, as usual, but this time I had seen a face that only a panicked mother could have.

"Dear, there's something we need to discuss."

I stared into her blue eyes, ready for the next good morning hymn.

"We need to take you away from Alamon."

"Mother...what do you mean?"

"Honey, a plague has struck Alamon, and we are afraid for your safety. Your father and I discussed the plan, and we've decided to move you across the way to the Tower of Gardens End. You will be safe there. There have been no detected plague victims in that part of Alamon."

"What will I do?"

"You shall stay there until you are born the right age of ruling. On your 17th birthday you will be released. From then on you will take responsibility of finding a husband to become king, as then you will both rule this kingdom. The only way to achieve this future is to keep you away from the sickness arising. We can keep you safe and you won't have any fear of getting there."

This all made sense in my 13 year old mind. I would stay in solitary confinement until the day I was able to rule Alamon. I would be safe. I would never get sick. I would be able to focus on the plans of my future.

"Mother, I believe for the good of Alamon, it's a perfect idea."

She only smiled, while cupping my check in her hand and kissing my forehead.

"I knew I could count on you my little peanut."

The next day I packed my things and was ready for the carriage ride there.

I had never seen town. I had never seen the desolate looks on peoples faces, the despair in the air, and the effects of the plague.

Men and woman's bodies littered the street. There were hungry children everywhere asking for a nickel or two to feed their families for a day. People were rushing in front of the carriage to see if a doctor happened to ride along with.

Doctors were plenty needed, but nobody had found a solution to the plague that spread like a wild fire. Doctors could only temporarily die down the symptoms until someone soon joined the heavenly christ. I pictured in my mind the hundereds of people passing on to see the lord. I hoped I would never join them before my reign came about.

Gardens End Tower was at the remote part of Alamon. The kingdom of Alamon is surrounded by a large garden hedge that keeps out other soldiers and warriors coming to invade. Gardens End tower was an old watch tower that alerted the guards if anyone suspicious was trespassing. Thankfully after the garden hedge, it isn't needed anymore, and stands vacant.

As I soon wound the stairs to the top of the tower, sudden fear hit me. Would I be alone? Would I have anyone to watch over me?

A guard turned towards me. "This is where I leave you now. You will have a daily guard come up to bring you food and alert you news about Alamon. If there's any questions, feel free to call the guards with the code word "Simple Song."

I nodded greatly. I wouldn't be lost to the outside world. I would only stay until my parents felt that the kingdom would get better. They said the maximum amount of staying time would be until I reached 17.

I wasn't worried, until my eighteenth birthday arrived.

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