3. The Revelation

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Being stuck in a tower really takes a toll on time. You spend so much time being alone, that you tend to loose track on the date. I often have to have the guards remind me of the date, or of how long I've been stuck in the tower. 

After being led back to the tower, Rafferty hasn't come back since. I've been wondering, What if he told my mother and father, and they believe I'm irresponsible? I want to get out of this tower as soon as possible.

I daydream often of what life is like in the kingdom. I'm sure people are healthier, happier, while also starting their lives over. My parents letters often describes how lush the green gardens are, how colorful the village is with the yellow road and dusty colored cottages. The children have grins upon their faces, playing outside in the street. I smile every time I reread the letter.

Dear Amethyst,

Life in the kingdom is just as luscious as our last letter! Everyone has become more happy. The children run, the animals graze, and the colors of the kingdom are shone brightly when the sun hits the peak of the mountain. 

I am sure you often wonder how we are doing. We are doing great, and we often think about you. You are doing such a great duty to your kingdom being safe in your tower. We promise to come and get you before you turn 18 even though it's coming close to your birthday. I apologize greatly for us not being able to come and see you. You're father is a busy man, leading the kingdom, and I am often tending to the smaller duties of the household, as you will do eventually in the future. 

I am only excited to have you rule the kingdom. You have a beautiful soul and a depthful hear that we know will go far when you are released from your tower.

Love, Queen Narita. 

I hold the letter close to my chest. This is the last piece of evidence of my parents still coming back for me, even if the chances look slim.

I decided to rest after that because everything has started to pour down upon me. As I was undressing, out of no where the door swings open, and Rafferty steps foot into my room and gazes at me. 

I shriek in suprise and hide myself behind my nightgown. 

"There's something you should know."

I looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Sit down."

"You could at least let me put on my nightgown."

His cheeks don't grow rosy, as most boys would have. He just looks at me with a hard gaze. He only nods in understandment.

He turns away, and I dress myself before he can turn around again to see myself naked. 

As I sit on my bed, he sits next to me. I've never had a man sit this close to me as I was wearing something so intimate. I only grow red with embarassment.

"Have you not known this whole time?"

"I'm still confused while you barged into while I was undressing, and I assume it's important but I can only question."

"Miss Amethyst, you must listen to me. I could probably get into major trouble for this, but I believe you have a right to know."

I only rolled my eyes. "Well spit it out then."

"Your parents are no longer alive."

I laughed. "Is this some game you're trying to play with me? Because if it is, I'm not going to fall for it. My parents are waiting for the plague to wear off, and then I'm back to where I truely belong. I will be ruler!"

He shook his head. "I can't believe you don't kow. I can't believe he never told you. I think it's terrible to hide something like this from someone so vulnerable!

"Who's he?


What? This didn't make any sense. "Theolord is my uncle... He doesn't have authority over me."

"It floors me you don't know! He's ruler now! He took over the reign of king after your parents died. He's been absolutely generous to everyone though! He's made better rules, and has everyone under better rule. Why has no one told you this?"

I stopped and stared at him. "How long has this been going on?"

"For about 4 years now."

My eyes filled with tears, and I became utterly startled. I collapsed on my bed, crying my eyes out while thoughts swirled my eyes. Why has no one told me anything about Theolord or my parents passing on? My life is over. I will never escape this tower. What about my letter? 

"Explain this then!" I threw the letter at him. 

After it flew onto the ground, he picked it up and examined it. 

"I can't tell you anything about this. It's completely out of my jurisdiction."

I only sobbed harder. "Why am I still in this tower though? Aren't I supposed to be out of here by my 18th birthday?"

He shook his head. "All of my rules are to make sure you are still safe in this tower.'

"Then why did you come up here to tell me what's really going on outside of these walls, on the other side that's been hidden from me for so long?"

"I just thought it was unfair for you to not know."

"There's more than that."


"You've got a heart underneath all of that rock hard stone, I can see it. Don't test me. I know that you felt bad for me."

"Whatever you want to believe."

Everything in my life just turned for the worst. Not only have I been lied to, but I have discovered my parents are dead, that I haven't seen in over 6 years. I am going to need answers. 

"I want you to take me to Theolord. I need to talk to him. I need answers."

He burst out laughing. "Just because I've told you something you need to know, doesn't mean you are getting out of here. I have strict orders, and If I fail my assignment, I will never get to be the true general of the 1st infantry. That's my dream."

"Is all you care about your stupid little band of brothers? I need to get of here! I've been stuck here forever! I am the princess, and I am royalty, so I command to release from this dungeon."

He shook his head. "Sorry Miss."

I pounded my food against the floor and went right up to his face. "I REFUSE to be stuck here another day. You will help me get out of here, or when I'm queen, I will make sure you loose your position!"

"Like a little girl is going to threaten me!"

"How old are you Rafferty?"


"You are not that much older than me, so don't treat me like I'm a little girl."

He sighed. "Fine. But when you are queen, I deserve some special recognition for this bullshit that you put me through."


And we shook on it. This only lead us to an adventure that would change our lives forever."

The Princess of Alamon (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora