Chapter 0.

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Tatooine's two suns set. Rey and BB-8 were outside and admired the view the planet offered them.

  "This landscape reminds me of Jakku ... With one sun less." she told BB-8.

  The droid gets excited and moved closer to the young woman. She smiled at him and then concentrated on the surroundings again.

  "No BB-8, I won't go back there. I don't belong on Jakku anymore. My place is here, with you."

  BB-8 emitted a sound similar to a sigh.

  Rey stood up and returned to her shelter. She took a half ration of food and laid down on her mattress.

  Her shelter was not one of the most comfortable places in the universe nor one where she felt at home. In fact, she had never really felt at home. Her definition of "home" was not a place, she felt good when she was with her loved ones, nothing more. But Han, Luke, Leia and Ben were no longer among her and she had to move on.

  After her fight against Palpatin, Rey decided to live on Tatooine, where it all started for the Skywalker. She had gone back to the origins of the Jedi and had made her own lightsaber. It was made up of crystals from Kylo Ren and Luke's lightsabers. Green and red gave its yellow color, and the association of Rey's stick with Ren's saber made a brand new saber. The balance. That's all it stood for.

    While the young Jedi was lost in her thoughts, the droid rolled to her, making weird sounds.

  "What's going on BB-8?" she asked, standing up.

  He did not responded and transmitted a holographic message. Finn and Poe then suddenly appeared.

  "Rey, it's Poe and Finn from the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss. Some resistants assigned on Canto Bight talked about the First Order preparing a counterattack plan. Apparently, the First Order did not appreciate the death of their Supreme Leader Ren and-..."

  "Calm down, calm down Finn" interrupted him Poe. "Why do you act so dramatic ?"

  "Because it's serious Poe, it's very serious!"

  "Relax. We've always gotten away with it, haven't we?"

  There was silence and Finn sighed.

  "We need your help, Rey. If you see this message, come and join us on Ajan Kloss. This message will self-destruct in 10 seconds."

Rey stared at her friends' faces before the message went out. She recovered her senses.

"I didn't know you were transmitting holograms, BB-8."

BB-8 squeaked happily and circled around Rey.

"Yes, yes, I'm hurrying."

She quickly gathered her stuffs and went outside to reach her ship. Once she was in front of it, she heard a familiar voice.

"It seems to me that you have forgotten something."

She slightly turned her head and gasped when she saw her interlocutor.


He did not appear like all the other Force Ghosts she had encountered so far. No, he seemed to be right in front of her.

"Are you only a memory or a dream?" she wondered out loud.

"I'm living through you. Through our dyad."

Rey took a few steps back in astonishment. Her tears burst and her mind was troubled. She shook her head in denial.

"I don't know how it can happen either" he tried to reassure her

She took a deep breath and calmed down.

"They need you, Rey."

"You need me too !"

"I do, but it's not too late for them."

Rey sighed deeply and stared at her lover's eyes.

"Are you sure it'll be alright Ben ?"

"Don't worry, I'll wait."

She nodded, smiled slightly and rushed into her shelter to take her lightsaber. When she returned, Ben was gone. There was only the little droid left. He began to get impatient.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming !"

Rey started the ship and they hurried towards Ajan Kloss. Along the way, she started thinking about her weird encounter with Ben.

𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙨 : 𝙰𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎Where stories live. Discover now