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"Oh Sehunnie!", Namjoon hugged the man in front of him and slapped his back repeatedly as his gesture of affection

"Hey Kim Namjoon it hurts"

"Payback for Jeju", Sehun placed the beer and chicken he bought on the table as he took in their apartment

"Wow...business must be moving if your house is this nice", Sehun said looking around,

"It's doing well,but seven of us own the apartment so we split the bills", sehun doesn't hear that,he's lost in his own world

"When I finally make enough money,I'm getting an apartment for us"

"Us?", sehun turns to him and gives him a lovestruck smile,eyes sparkling and all

"The girl I told you about? We're dating now",

"Congrats man",

"Thanks", Sehun says shyly burying his hands in the pocket of his pants

"Sehun hyung?",Jimin walks in and moves to greet the orange haired man

"Wow hyung you look so cool",

"Jin hyung? I should say my greetings",

"It's a busy day I guess_ wash your hands first", joon said slapping jungkooks hands away from the kitchen,the youngest didn't know sehun as he was recovering from surgery when they visited Jeju

"Hello", he gave sehun a small bow,eyes widening as he took in sehuns appearance,sehun did look amazing with his nose ring,orange hair and one tatted arm

"You must be jungkook. Joon told me you like fried chicken a lot so I bought a special box for you", jungkook stuck his tongue out at Namjoon and ran into his room with the box

"He's so cute!" Sehun said holding his chest. He had invited sehun over because he needed to tell him,he had hesitated with Jin and now he didn't know how to tell him. But he never hesitated with sehun. With Sehun he just talked while the other listened

"Let's go. Before hobi sees you ",

"I have a gift for him so I have to wait for him anyway", they walked into Namjoons room and Sehun smiled,

"The rooms are quite spacious too....this is a very nice house Namjoon", sehun was playing with one of Namjoons figurines

"Take a sit first before you ruin anything", sehun scoffed and collapsed on the bed

"Says the man who broke my guitar in half", he laughed at the memory,they had been playing in sehuns garage,fake shooting a music video and Namjoon had completely shattered sehuns guitar

"Now that I'm in seoul,you can finally buy me a new one Joon", Joon nods

"I finished writing the new book. I handed it in a few months ago", Sehuns eyes opened and he turned to rest his head on his palm

"Really? Did she like it? "

"She said it was better than Reflection" Sehun made an o sound,

"What did you name it?"

"Moonchild" he laughed as sehun made a sound to acknowledge that it was indeed a great title

"She's suggesting I drop the alias", at this sehun sat up, he was the only one besides shin hye and Jin that knew he was RM

"Have you thought about it?"

"No...I don't like to think about it,it's comfortable like this. Look at you,having to change your numbers every week. I don't want that" Sehun was quiet for a while

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