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"I still think you should visit the hospital", he rolled his eyes at sehun. He was worse than Jin

"Are you really going to be like this till you leave?" ,

"Ok ok...I'm just worried about you. You spend hours writing,you have to make sure it wouldn't affect you"

"Yes mom. I thought we were going to drink because you were leaving tomorrow. What are we doing in a music store",

"You promised me a new guitar remember?", Namjoon scoffed and nodded

"Smooth", namjoon raised a hand at him and sehun smiled,

"I didn't know Jisoo was so pretty...you always talked about her with such indifference. Could never have imagined she'd be such a beauty"

"That's why I'm here isn't it? So you can be a busy body while I spend my money on you", Sehun laughed and namjoon gently shoved him away moving to sit. He strangely felt tired,

"Even sooyoung couldn't get over how pretty she was, she said 'namjoons girlfriend has such elegant features'", his interest was piqued but he kept up his indifferent act,

"She's not my girlfriend", 

"Well she might as well be with the way you acted yesterday. Hey take a look at this", Namjoon looked at the black acoustic guitar sehun had picked. It had a thunder design at the edge and it's band was a mixture of different shades of green

"It looks cool", Sehun nodded and left him to meet the store owner,they were working on its tuning. He was alone with his thoughts. He definitely had imagined the jealous look on her face yesterday,who was he kidding?

Sehun was leaving tomorrow,he had no reason to see her for the next two months . His eyes were closed and he could hear the guitar sounds at a distance,  so far he had held himself pretty well. Respecting his friendship with sehun. Things weren't going to change now that sehun was leaving,he'd just make sure none of the others invite her over now that she's friends with them

"Hey, card", he gave sehun his wallet and got up to walk behind him,

"How much is it?", he felt the buzz of his phone and he felt his eyes widen at the cost,he had no idea one guitar would cost so much

"One guitar?",

"And some equipments" Sehun shrugged before walking out of the store

"Hey! You thief"

"Stop whining. You're rich as fuck. You can handle it", he slapped the back of sehuns head and the other winced. As they walked down the street a few people recognized sehun

"Got any masks?", Sehun sighed and brought out a black mask from his pocket,

"I want to eat pizza then drink bear then go clubbing",

"We can't go to the club your flight is for 6 am you moron", Sehun sighed,

"Maybe I should just have stayed with sooyoung and made love all night", an involuntary clench of his jaw made him grind his teeth a bit too hard

"Hey we left the guitar and stuff", he said with his eyes widened, Sehun stared at him and he was sure his mouth was open behind the mask

"They'll deliver it to me namjoon,what type of cave life  are you living?"

"Shut it. You're buying the drinks"


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