Chapter 1: Awake // Cupid's POV

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I cautiously glance around the room, it's dark, my eyes haven't adjusted yet. I wrap myself in my wings and my breath trembles. The unease here is unmatched to anything I've ever felt before. My eyes begin to adjust and I let my gaze fall on a door. There is a room beyond the one I'm in, the glass walls restrict me from the rest of the room.

I sigh, there is nothing except a few boring old tables and chairs. I might be stuck here forever. Is this my punishment for making their love so one sided? God please I know that I'm new and you wanted to see what I can do but please don't punish me! If I had let their love grow she would hurt him! I must save people from that grief!

My body starts to shake but the room hasn't gotten any colder, I can feel the anxiety overcome my body. I'm certain this is god's punishment. He's probably trying to find another angel with my abilities while I rot down here! What if he decides my whole species is pointless and is going to purge all of us?! He wouldn't..... Right?

Footsteps? They're from above me, traveling across the room above. Is someone coming to save me or is their intent malicious...? I put my back against the far end of my glass enclosure, keeping my eyes on the door but squinting so it seems like they're closed. My eyes have adjusted now, the room seems to be a lab. Does God intend to do experiments on me?.. No! I must not question God, this surely cannot be his doing.

The elevator opens, a tall man walks through and I am blinded by the light from behind the doors. My arms swing up to cover my eyes. Shortly after I lower my arms so my eyes can adjust to the light, he doesn't have horns but his leathery wings are quite apparent. I keep my wings wrapped tightly around my body and decide I need to open my eyes wide, I don't dare glance away for even a second.

My voice shakes briefly "wh-" I clear my throat. "Who are you?" My voice may not have been completely clear, but it was not said softly. He smirks, "well... Little bird. I'm Reaper." His skin is not dark enough to be any sort of mixed but I can see that he has a quite well tan. His slow strides are not done any justice from his legs being so long, he got there in what I can assume is the same amount of time.

I hum quietly, stretching out my wings and slowly walking over, he chuckles to himself. I put my hands on the glass, "I didn't even try to make you laugh yet, what is so amusing?" He looks at me quickly, eyes wide for barely a second, wow this one will be tough. I smile, "by the way! My name is cupid~"

He looks me up and down, "Bringer of Love?... So you're telling me Lucifer himself wants to know the dangers of someone who's name means Bringer of Love?" I tilt my head, trying to distract from the sudden fluff of my feathers. Lucifer wants to know about me but it is clearly from no infatuation, he must want war.

I start to fly, gliding around in the air, "So Reaper, do you have a real name?" I fly to the top of my enclosure and then slowly float down, letting my wings expand fully. "You know, if I knew you liked flying so much I would've picked a different cage to put you in." I smile wide, "You wouldn't do that, you..." I look him up and down briefly, glancing into eyes so green and clouded i'm not sure God himself could clear them up. "Your burdens run to deep to try and go through the extra trouble of stopping me from stretching my wings."

For a moment shock paired with a certain heir of impression waves over his face. He glances down at the papers on the table before taking a seat at one of the few desks in front of the glass. He begins to write, not saying anything. I kick my foot against the ground a few times before approaching the glass one more time. I put my hands on the glass right in front of his head, he doesn't even spare me a glance!!

Although his wings twitch, he seems to ignore it before the elevator door opens again. "Hello!" The man baring huge horns walks in, glances at the Reaper and then looks at me. "Is this the one you caught?" Reaper nods, still writing before he taps the papers for the man to look over. As he approaches I start to tremble, my breath quickens and I take a step back. He chuckles, casting his gaze towards me which compels me to take a few more steps back.

"I have something for you, since you're a guest in my kingdom." Reaper watched intently but is cautious not to show too much interest as the man unlocks my door and tosses me a bag that I dodge. "Don't give me gifts until I know your name!" He smiles, teeth sharp like daggers shine in the light. "Lucifer. Nice to meet you Cupid." I feel my body relax, "I don't remember telling you my name. You aren't as scary as God made you seem, you're more like a stranger who's very intimidating."

His grin grows larger, "I can be scary if you want but I wouldn't want to cause any heart attacks." He flashes into my cage and starts to approach, I look at him and I don't move. My breath quickens but he looks at me with curiosity. "What else did god tell you about me?" He slowly twirls a lock of my hair around his finger, whatever he's trying to do it's not really working....

"He said you were a pervert." His back shoots up straight, he must be about 6'8. "He did what?!" I snort, almost falling to my knees as I let my laughter take over. He grabs my shoulder, forcing me upright, I continue to laugh until pain shoots through my arm and I yelp. He stares into my eyes, when I finally meet his gaze I see only anger. "You will not lie to me. Understand?"

I raise my hands, they push against his chest with the strength of a fucking bunny. The pain causing me to wince, I let out a breathy "Yes sir.." He drops me in an instant and turns to the Reaper, "Retrieve things from her home to fill this room, she will be comfortable until she misbehaves, if she does anything you don't like feel free to punish her but do not harm her wings or face." He nods and walks towards the elevator, Lucifer turns to me and flashes me one last terrifying grin before disappearing.

And with that, they're both gone. I lay alone on the cold floor before my eyes finally land on the bag. I had forgotten about it... I slowly approach the bag before opening it, it's my things! I don't exactly know what happened before I got here but these were what I had on me! I take out my necklace and wrap it around my wrist, while I sit in the middle of the cement floor I slowly pull out the sweater I had bought before I woke up here.

Looking at the sweater makes me wonder how long I have been here, how long was I asleep, is anyone looking for me? The Reaper appears next to me, looking at a holographic screen. He taps the screen a few times and stuff from my room starts to appear. Without saying a word I drop the sweater, leaving it on the floor and jump onto my bed. I nuzzle into the puffy blankets, I missed the warm embrace of all my blankets.

I forgot about the world, while holding onto my soft blankets my wings spread out around me and I start to drift off to sleep. The only thing on my mind is the noise of shuffling and things appearing in the room. 

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