Chapter 2: He didn't make her? // Reaper's POV

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I grumble to myself, having to wake up so early now is hell. Just because Lucifer wants to steal an angel?! And shes so small! I couldn't find any that gave the same readings as the ones he gave me except for her! Are they all hiding?! Why is she so special, she just likes to smudge glass and figure things out weirdly fast! I get up, pulling on my coat and looking in the mirror.

I look like shit. Like always. I pick up the sweater I took from her cage, holding it up in front of me. Hell this thing could fit me?! Why does she need a sweater this big? Maybe she has a partner... This could be an easy way to get information out of her, if she wants to be set free.

I could convince her that she will be released after she gives us a certain amount of information, but she's quick and it's hard to tell if she's lying... I fold the sweater, lay it on the bed and then put on my boots. I couldn't be bothered to take off my clothes last night, I worked 18 hours just watching her sleep.

I wonder why Lucifer thinks she's so special? Bringer of Love.... Maybe she doesn't have a partner? Why would that be her name, but she knew Reaper wasn't my name... Maybe it was a lucky guess or God could be assigning names according to the angel's job just like Lucifer? Cupid....

After picking up the sweater I teleport directly into the lab, skipping all the extra steps, I just want to get this over with. I appear in her cage and she's still asleep. Maybe angels are nocturnal, I haven't seen any except for the ones who break laws at night. She stirs in her sleep, flipping her arm out from under her blankets. She looks like she's desperately trying to grab something before she swiftly swings her other arm out, fingers arched as if they were claws. She starts to scream.

This is annoying, her screams are piercing. I begin to shake her until she wakes up and she looks at me with pure terror in her eyes. After a brief moment of shock and confusion she looks around and relaxes, why would she relax in a place like this? "Didn't know angels could have nightmares." That came out as more of a mumble as she tries to grab my hand but I move it away, setting the sweater down on the bed and flash stepping out of her cage into the lab half of the room.

I'm looking through my notes and see that Lucifer has left a box on my desk. Inside there is a sandwich and a note that says "don't forget to feed her, this is for you." I am not going to eat this. I can just buy something later, maybe she will want this? Looking up I see her back, wings spread out, nothing but underwear and stupid thigh high socks. My eyes widen as I observe what seems to be a perfect body, the sweater falls over her head and she pulls it down over her wings, her wings fit through the wing hole in the back of the sweater perfectly and she turns around. I quickly try to shift my gaze anywhere else in the room but to no avail it was like she could feel my attraction to her body.

"No one likes a peeping tom~" Her voice rings through my mind. "Sorry but prisoners of Lucifer don't exactly get any privacy." She pouts and walks over, I look her up and down, "I take it you like pink." She looks down at her sweater that might as well be a dress paired with white and pink socks, "yup!" She is pretty cute now that I think about it... but I shouldn't think about it.

I sit at the desk, picking up my pen, "So Miss Cupid, do you have a job?" She looks like shes thinking about the question harder than she should be, this must be confusing to her. Maybe Aphrodite herself crafted Cupid to appease the sexual desires of other angels... or the humans.. "No." I look up at her, hearing her answer pulls me from my thoughts, "Then what do you do? Surely you don't just lay around heaven and look pretty."

Her face is now dusted with a light shade of pink as she shakes her head, hair similar to snow falls in front of her face. She looks up at me though a few stray locks of hair, "I assist the human heart." My eyes widen, "you what?" I write down "assists the human heart," in quotes. She smiles, running her fingers through her hair as she moves it from her face.

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