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March 18th, 2019

We're sitting in the lobby of the OB/GYN doctors office; Leona, Chana and I. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm about to be a father. I can't believe that a one night stand is going to turn into years of fatherhood and a mutual relationship with Leona. Not that that's a bad thing because Leona is super cool, but I just didn't picture my first child coming into the world like this.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Chana push me on the arm. Leona's name has been called and we're going back now. I dried my sweaty hands on my pants and stood up. Chana is still looking at me with this motherly look on her face.

Ever since Tae was murdered she's been trying extra hard with Leona. She doesn't want to fail her too, so she looks at her as a mixture of her little sister and daughter. I understand completely, and I think it's what Leona needs right now considering her dad doesn't want anything to do with her. He hasn't contacted her in months so I know he doesn't care.

"Alright ma'am. Just go behind this curtain and take all your clothes off and put the robe on. Since this is your first pregnancy and first OB/GYN visit the doctor wants to do a full body check, plus a Pap smear. Once you're done climb up here and I'll be back in shortly to ask you a few questions."

Leona went behind the curtain and changed her clothes while Chana and I sat down in the chairs. I'm a nervous wreck to be honest. For one Leona won't be nineteen until April. People will think I'm some kind of pedophile for sleeping with a woman who was three years younger than me at the time.

I know the sex was consensual, and I've never looked at her in that way. Chana and Jai aren't upset about the age difference, but for some reason I kind of am. Leona and Tae both were supposed to be like my little sisters. I was never supposed to be attracted to either of them. I'm not sure if I'm just lonely and want companionship and sex, or if I actually think she's attractive.

"Okay sweetie. Before the doctor comes in and exams you, I need to ask you a few questions" She said causing Leona to nod her head. "So when was your last period?"

Periods don't make me uneasy because of course I have a sister and have had girlfriends. Leona counted on her hands and when she got to four she stopped.

"Um around five months ago. My period is irregular as is, so the last time I actually had one was back in November."

The doctor shook her head and wrote something down. She then asked her if her period has always been irregular like that. Leona said yes, ever since she was thirteen years old. The doctor wrote something else down before asking her how the pregnancy happened. The look on Leona's face made both Chana and I drop our heads and chuckle.

"What you mean how it happened? Me and him" she said pointing to me "had unprotected sex."

The doctor smiled and nodded. She rephrased the question and asked her under what circumstances did it happen. Leona's eyes widened and she knew she'd have to tell the doctor the truth.

"It was New Year Day. We had just celebrated my big sister's; her girlfriend's birthday. Everyone in the house was drunk as hell, including him."

When she only implied that I was drunk I sat up in my seat a little because I thought she was drunk as well.

"I was drunk, but not as drunk as everyone else. I knew what was going on. We both were crashing in the guest bedroom. At first I didn't think anything of it, but once we got to the room and I saw him just laying there I honestly got super horny. I went to take a shower and when I was done I walked out the bathroom naked. I initiated all of it. I actually wanted it. I hadn't been with anyone sexually in a while and I figured, why not fuck someone I know?"

Book I: Can I? (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now