23: So Maybe I'm in Love

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Keith stood on the beach, but made sure to keep a little ways away from the water. Due to his last endeavor, he didn't think he was going to be able to go back into the ocean anytime soon. It pained him, knowing that Lance was in trouble and he couldn't do anything to help him.

"Why did it have to be water," Keith complained to himself, "He couldn't have been a forest nymph, mothman, even a puddle mermaid or literally any other mythological creature." Well... he is beautiful as a mer. I guess if I was that or a goatman I would choose the mer any day.

The black-haired boy walked a little ways down he beach. He'd left Adam to talk to Shiro alone, and Pidge and Hunk were still inside trying to figure out how to get humans underwater. In the less-than-an-hour that Pidge had known him, they had gotten to be pretty close friends.

So that left Keith with some time to be alone with his thoughts. It was too bad that he had already gotten over a year alone with his thoughts, though. The only thing that raced through his mind was his longing to be the opposite of alone. He wanted to be with people. Specifically one person in particular.

Lance. Keith sighed, facing the horizon line. The moonlight left small peaks of white shines over the water. It looked so calm. Patience. Yields. Focus, he thought as he took a deep breath. Lance needs my help. Keith paused, looking down to his own hands. Well, maybe I need my help too. Keith chuckled to himself, knowing that he was right. But he's procrastinated that for so long— why should he start now?

Keith continued walking until he heard the crash of a wave against the rocks. Wow, I've gone pretty far, haven't I? It's almost like— Keith froze as he moved his gaze to the black water. His muscles tensed, his body prepared for the worst. It was too similar. Too similar to the night that Shiro got taken.

He almost started running when a figure lifted itself onto the beach. It's body was cloaked in shadows, the only distinct detail being the purple markings that glowed on the figure's cheeks.

Keith never would have expected the mer to drop something onto the sand and then disappear beneath the waves. He didn't move for a moment, sure that the object must have been an explosive or weapon of some sort. A figure that mysterious doesn't just leave something normal. Keith froze when the bright light of the lighthouse swept over the beach, illuminating the object with a soft luminescent shine.

The glass bottle shimmered in the light, then was enveloped in darkness when the beacon continued down the beach and behind the far side of the cliffs that hung over Keith intimidatingly. Nestled inside was a roll of paper, the specific type of parchment that mers made from ocean vegetation. It can't be...

Keith stepped forward and picked up the bottle. Scratched on the parchment inside was the blocky letters that formed handwriting that was unnervingly familiar. Brushing a strand of raven hair behind his ear, Keith tugged on the corkscrew that plugged the top of the bottle that was sized perfectly to fit in his hand. After a few tries he managed to slip the paper out of the bottle. Keith could feel tears begin to prick at his eyes before he even read the first line.

Dear Keith,

I know you don't want to talk to me. I know I did a bad thing. I know you hate me, and never want to see me again. But let me tell you one last thing. You don't even have to listen if you don't want to. You could throw this letter away and I would never know. But at least let me tell you the truth. 
You changed my life, Keith. Without you, I wouldn't have met some of the best people in the world. I wouldn't have learned that my dad was wrong about humans and who they are. I wouldn't have learned all that I know now, and wouldn't be leaving knowing all that I'm going to miss. You gave me a home for the few weeks I've been here, even though you just as easily could have turned me away. Because of you, I felt at home when I truly needed it most. I was in a bad place, and home didn't really feel like it anymore. And although I haven't gotten much better, I feel like I've started on my way there. That wouldn't have been possible without you, you know.
So, thank you.
You've really helped me figure out who I am. I only wish we could have more time together. I want to help you figure out who you are, too. I want to help you fight the nightmares that keep coming. I wish that I could snap my finger and bring your brother back in an instant, I really do. I'm not magic though, as much as you want to believe it. And instead of helping you I lied and hurt you even more. I'm so sorry, Keith.
But you don't have to worry anymore, because I left, like you wanted. You'll never have to see me again, no matter how much I hate that. I want to be able to see you, talk to you... hug you. I'll always regret hurting you. That's the point of this letter, so you know that I regret what I did. If you even get this far past myself pouring my heart out, I want to tell you one more "last" thing. Let me end this right. Since I can't help you anymore, I suggest you help yourself. Talk to someone about the nightmares, try to stop holding yourself back from everyone. Don't be scared of how they're going to react. They're just like you; people.
Which brings me to my last point. There's an old mer saying that my mom taught me. She always said it in Spanish, but I'll translate so you can understand it. Promise me you'll look back to this whenever you're feeling down or doubting yourself.

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