▪■Chapter one■▪

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The harsh winds from the planet morty was on constantly crept up his spine.

The small boy looked up to the stars, it had been three days, fourteen hours and twenty five minutes since Rick had left him on that planet.

His hope for his grandfather's return was dwindling. He hadn't even moved from his spot Rick left him to stand.

He was too afraid that he would miss Rick from coming back, so instead of exploring the new world, he stayed put.

Day all the way to night, either the winds would turn hot or cold, he stayed.

He never slept during those days and nights, And he never once listened to his stomachs cries for food.

He just stood, shaking and clinging onto himself for wormth and comfort.

His heart was telling him that Rick was going to return, but his mind was screaming at him that the selfish old man had left him there to rot.

Even if Morty stayed in place, he did indeed took note of his surroundings.

It was a completely new world, it looked nothing like the worlds he's seen with his time with Rick.

It was a beautiful red, with different viorities of yellows, oranges, blacks and even specs of gold.

The planet was warm and instead of his green trees it was a pure yellow leaved tree's.

The planet itself was peaceful and the natives seemed to be either to shy too approach him or simply weren't allowed to.

The creature's on the planet had a beautiful mixed greens that would pop out of the planets surroundings.

The green creature's walked on two legs, and used two arms much like himself.

On different parts of the creature's body their would seem to be a green rock embedded into them much like himself.

Though the young boy payed no mind to that and continued scouting the sky.

Hoping and waiting for his grandfather's return...

Five days, four hours and sixteen minutes.

By now the boy in yellow had fallen onto his knees, his face to the sky with heavy tears falling down his face.

He was truly alone.

His sobs and cries could be heard all around, and by now every kind of living thing was staring at him.

Of course they would, a being that had stayed in place beeing absolutely silent until now is making noises of loss and unkept promises.

His vision was clouded with tears and his eye lids finally closed.
He layed down on the ground accepting his fate and letting darkness consume him.

He's never felt more alone in his life until now.

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