▪■page one: who are you?■▪

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"Peridot facet 5xg cut 642 reporting in" the green creature spoke towards a diamond shaped screen.

"And what is it that is so important that you had to communicate the diamond communicator?" An anonymous high pitched voice spoke upon Peridot facet 5.

"W-well there seems to be one of pinks organics on this planet--"

She spoke befor a deep voice resonated from behind yellow pearl.

"What did you say" she said deeply filled with a hint of anger...

"Eeeep! M-my diamond" Peridot said while making a diamond out of her arms.

"I-ive reported that i have found one of pinks organics on this planet... it... shouldn't be here, this planet is a completely none compatible place for an organic such as itself, i-it just doesnt make sense, m-my diamond"

Peridot finished.

"How long"

The diamond spoke to the peridot.

"U-uh... we dont know, my diamond, BUT we did come across it two earth rotations ago. It... hasnt moved..."

Peridot said shaking slightly.

Yellow diamond squinted down towards the peridot earning a gulp of nervousness from the peridot.

"What do you mean hasn't moved?" She questioned.

"Its just... it WAS just standing there... but now... its just laying there. It hasnt moved an inch from that spot as if... something ordered it...not to move... it's... troubling.... my diamond"

"Show me it" yellow diamond ordered.

"Ye-yes my diamond"

The diamond communicator was then fliped around showing a small boy laying in a fetal position. The color the boy was wearing gained yellow diamonds interest.

"Peridot, examine the organic for me, im sure its front will be more interesting than its back."

"Yes my diamond"

The peridot began to tip toe towards the boy, earning no reaction besides the gentle breathing of the boy.

Peridot flipped the boy around resulting in a groan of annoyance from the boy.

It wasn't the bags under his eye's or the wet tear stained cheeks that took their interest, but the pale yellow gem on his chest.

A gasp could be heared from both the peridot and pearl, but the one who still had a Sirius but shocked face on was Yellow.

"H-hes... h-he h-h-has----"

She began only to be silenced by yellow.

"It appears to be a hybrid... but... why would someone leave them here, if im certain this is the one and only gem hybrid in existence, extremely rare and could be extremely valuable..."

"What should i do with it my diamond?"

Peridot asked.

"Pearl, get us down there this instant. I want to see this hybrid fface to face."

"Yes my diamond" yellow pearl spoke befor cutting of the communicator.

Peridot just stood there over the boy. Until she asked a question for no one in particular.

"Who are you?".....

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