Chapter 3: Returned to me💛

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"Well im not going to stop you sabrina but you are 16 years old and Lucifer is strong, if we are gonna put him in blackwood we have got to do it quick because hes angry,hes strong", Lilith said looking to her front right, where nicks body lays.
"Wait what do you mean "we" said prudence with confusion.
"I'm going to help you because nick hes suffered so much whilst here in hell and he doesnt deserve it. Sabrina you were the only thing that kept him going, but i dont think he can handle the pain anymore. So we have to do this quick", Lilith says tapping sabrina shoulder.
"So how are we going to do this?" Says prudence.
" Lay blackwood on the floor and we will begin our incantations", Lilith said.
Tranfer begins
Prudence layd blackwood on the floor just 3cm to the back from nicks body.
" Wait, what spell do we use? ive searched for months on finding a spell but i never found one thats was powerful enought to free satan" Sabrina sighed.
" Because its ancient magic, thousand year old magic. Now prudence and sabrina repeat after me, get ready to transfer lucifer into fatherblackwood body" She said clearly.
"Got it" said both girls, clearly you could see the anxiety in their lungs.
"Repeat after me," imano simicano folino himaj vivie incantanum" Lilith said with feeling.
The girls repeated it, "imano simicano folino himaj vivie incantanum" imano simicano folino himaj vivie incantanum"
"Get ready hes comming out" said Lilith in panic.
Lucifer came out and nick went down hard onto the floor.
"Half- breed lets do this."Okay" imano simicano folino himaj vivie incantanum" They both seemed to be panicking even more.

With lust, Lucifer was free.
" Daughter, you are no match for me, thus, even if i manage to be trapped in balckwood, thus nickolas will suffer until the end if time.He wont have visions of hell but he will feel pain like no other. He will somehow hear my vo-
" For good sake, sabrina lets do it- imano simicano folino himaj vivie incantanum." They both chanted, pulling and pulling Luifer closer until he was trapped in blackwoods body.
Saved Nick!
Once that was done, sabrina went across to nick, with prudence to. Nick slowly started to open his eyes, once they were finally opened he said
"Spellman, i knew you would come back for me. I had hope that you would. It was my Christmas wish", He said smiling up at sabrina. " Oh nick, it was my wish too, glad to have you back". Sabrina said kissing nick on the forehead. " Glad to have you back nick", she said smiling at him.
So, sabrina with the help of prudence helped carry nick out of hell and home after all he had just consumed bloody Satan and was fairly weak and needed some rest so they thought since it was late that they would take nick home to the acadamy of unseen arts as it was the closest near them.
For nick needed a good night sleep, sabrina put him down to sleep for he was already sounded asleep when she put him down to bed.
Prudence stayed at the acadamy, celebrating with her sisters what another successful day it had been. As for sabrina she went home, feeling happy for her wish came true, she got her boyfriend back and will have him in time for christmas. She was happy that he was safe and retuned to her. She knew today would be a good day and turns out that she was right.

Sabrina heart had not pained her for a few hours,all was well.

( Hope some of you could catch my lil reference i put in the last line. Hint-"All was well" does it remind you of some book novel seies?) Hmm.

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