Boy with luv

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George looked around, she had seen which direction he had gone but now he was nowhere to be found.

She walked towards the shops looking in the windows to see if she could see him, she had no luck.

Swearing under her breath she turned to go back to Tae's studio, going over in her mind Jungkook's behaviour. Trying to figure out why he was being this way to her brother. In her heart she felt they liked each other...even loved each other, why was Jungkook being so distant?

His mother's killer had been identified and jailed, even though he had refused to speak only to admit he killed her, he hadn't said more than that. Jungkook couldn't be staying away because of that...why would he need to? So why was he avoiding Tae'?

Not watching where she was going, she bumped full force into someone walking out of a cafe, and he fell to the floor. She began to apologise then she recognised who it was, she smiled...she had found him.


The young man looked up at her, his face registering shock when he saw her. She held her hand out to help him up, he accepted and stood, brushing himself down before looking back at her, confusion on his handsome face.

"George? Why are you here?"

George straightened her shoulders remembering why she had been looking for him. She looked him straight in the eyes, determined to get answers from him, her recent musings swirling through her mind.

"I'm here to ask you a question."


She straightened her shoulders again...'I can do this' she told herself. She took a breath.

"Why are you hurting my brother?"

Jungkook looked dumbfounded, he had never meant to hurt him, he just wanted to protect him from harm. He immediately felt bad.

"I...I..." Jungkook stuttered...George continued.

"Why do I have to watch him being miserable because you won't talk to him?" She pushed again "Do you know what we all went through to find you and make sure you where ok and safe?"

"I...I'm sorry...I didn't know."

"Why Jungkook? What's so bad you couldn't stay?"

Jungkook did his best to remain calm, she couldn't know, he looked into her eyes.

"He can't be around me...It's dangerous...I...I have to go...Sorry George."

Before she could stop him he had rushed away. Running...from what she had no idea. One thing was for certain she knew her hunch was right, he was trying to protect Tae', but why? For what reason?

She rushed back to her car and drove to Tae's studio, she looked around when she arrived, no sign of Jungkook so she was safe to get out, Tae' didn't want him to know he lived there yet, so she would respect his wishes. She reached the studio door and opened it, closing it behind her, she wondered where Tae' was.

"Tae'?" She called.

"In here." His voice called from the bathroom.

She walked over and knocked on the door.

"You decent?"

"Yeah, come in."

She opened the door to find Tae' sitting on the toilet seat staring at nothing, he looked depressed. She rushed to him and got on her knees, she took hold of his shoulders looking him in his eyes.

"Tae' I think I know what's going on with Jungkook."

Tae' looked at her confused.

"What do you mean? When did you see Jungkook?"

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