Coming To Terms

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Tae' looked at his boyfriend and tapped his upper arm to get his attention.

"I see you got along well with Kaley, it makes me happy, promise me something Kook?"

"Anything babe."

"When I'm gone, keep in touch with them, they worry about you."

Tae' dropped his head and Kookie sucked his breath in. He turned to face him fully and raised his chin with his finger.

"Tae' you are not going anywhere, we will beat this. It may be difficult but you've beat worse crap than this...we are going to get married and raise our children and live a long happy life."

"Our children?"

"Yes, Our children, we can adopt or hire a surrogate, but I want children with you, I will marry you, we can be happy."

"You sound so certain."

"I am, and to show you how certain I will arrange our wedding as soon as possible, we will see this year out as husbands."

"Husbands? That sounds nice, but..."

"...but what?"

"It won't happen...I can't do that to you."

"You don't want to marry me?"

"Of course I do, but I can't...not now."

"Why not now?"

"I'm dying Kook, I can't I won't put you through paying for a wedding when I might not last to see the day."

Jungkook sucked in his breath, his words had hurt him, but he had to remain strong for his man.

"You WILL survive this, we don't know what type of tumour you have yet, until we get the results of that we can't plan our future but I'm guessing it's will have years left yet, and we will get married, I'm not going anywhere."

Jungkook turned fully so he was facing Tae', he took his face in his hands and leant forward placing a tender kiss on his lips. He then looked into his eyes.

"We will get through this, we will survive together, I love you, you saved me once, and I'm going to do my best to save you, too."

"How Kook, I love you but what can you do...really?"

Jungkook looked into his eyes seeing the fear in them.

"I don't know, but whatever I can do I will. I'm not giving up on you, not ever."

"Kook, you need to leave me."

The request came from nowhere and Jungkook stared at his boyfriend.

"No...that's not going to happen..."

"Leave me, go live your life...without me."

Jungkook grabbed his shoulders and stared intently into his eyes, Tae' was mesmerised by him.

" are my life, without you, I have no life, I'm staying, and no matter if you try and push me away, I won't allow it."

"No...I can't let you do this, leave...go."

"Tae' you did this once before, remember, and I listened to you I'm gonna ignore you, do you really want me to go, and never return...I don't think you do."

Tae' looked into his eyes, saw the determination in his words and relented, the pain he had held in since he was told of his diagnosis exploded from his chest and the tears flowed freely from his large brown orbs, Jungkook wrapped his arms around him and held him tight, allowing him to release his pain fully.

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