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George rushed after her brother, he was walking fast, faster than her legs could carry her.

"Will you stop?"

He kept going, his heart broken but his determination to get far away set in his soul. Jungkook had said he didn't love him, after what they had shared less than two hours ago, why had he suddenly turned against him. An arm grabbed his own and he swung around to face George.

"Did you not hear me shouting you? Where are you going?"

"I'm leaving." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why though?"

"You heard him, he doesn't want me here, so I'm going home."

George reached up and slapped his face. Tae' held his cheek.

"Ow George what was that for?"

"For you being such an idiot. Go back in there and fight for your man."

"He's not my man anymore." Tae said turning and walking away.

George blew her hair out of her eyes and looked at her brothers slumped back walking away from her, what was she going to do now, she loved Tae' but she needed to protect Jungkook, she was in too deep to eject from the situation now.

She watched as a van pulled up and two men got out and grabbed her brother, pulling him into the van and driving off at speed.


She ran to the spot he was abducted, and tried to catch the number plate but she was too late. She fell to her knees, what was she going to do now?

"Agent Tresel." She said out loud and rushed back into the hospital.

The other woman was walking towards the exit and she was shocked to see George rushing towards her, face scared and flushed.

"Agent brother...they took him."

"What? Who took him?"

"Two men grabbed him, and dragged him into a van. Save him...please."

She turned straight away to the men following her.

"Close the roads and get security footage ...quick..."

The men rushed off one placing his phone to his ear the other rushing to another part of the hospital, no doubt to get the security footage. George fell to the floor...terrified of what would happen to her brother.

Agent Tresel knelt down in front of her, she took her arms in her hands.

"Miss Kim, look at me." George was whimpering, her mind focused only on her brother.

"Miss Kim." Agent Tresel said again.

George looked at her.

"We need to get you into protection right now, you and Mr Jeon, we will find your brother, but you have to trust us...OK."

She nodded, her body numb with fear and worry.

"I need to tell Jungkook, he might know something...he...has to know. Right?"

"Ok, go tell him, I'll talk to the doctors about moving him today."

George nodded and stood, her legs wobbly, as she made her way back to Jungkook's room.

Jungkook had his head laid back on his pillow, he was relieved, Tae' seemed to have finally listened to him, if he was home he would be safe...he hoped. He couldn't get the disappointed look on Tae's face out of his mind, he had hated lying to him, saying he didn't love him had been the hardest thing to pass his lips.

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