The Impossible

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All I could see was the group of Strigoi heading straight for Rose. I took off with as much speed as I could but before I could get to her there was a burst of light and energy that through me back.

When the light finally went away I stood up to find Rose. She stood there but there were know longer Strigoi surrounding her. The light had roasted them all to a crisp.

Suddenly Roses eyes began to close. "Rose!" I scream but before I could make it to her she fell to the ground.

"Let go of me!" A man yelles. I turned around to see Mazur and guardian Hathaway holding Robert down.

I looked back at Rose laying in my arms and hope she'd open her eyes. "Please wake up Roza." I murmur quietly.

"Is she okay!" Lissa says rushing to my side to exam Rose. "I think so but I am not sure." I can see the worry on her face.

"Here let me heal her." Lissa try's to put her hands on Rose but I stop her. "No. It's not safe for you. Rose will be upset if you do." I say.

"Rose may not wake up if I don't Dimitri." She argues. Suddenly Rose stirs in my arms and mumbles something that I can't understand.

"I think she'll be fine but we need to leave now." Lissa give me a hesitate star and then finally sighs and nods. "Let's go." She says and then stand.


I woke to bright lights above me and a loud beeping noise. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light I realized I was in the hospital.

Soon after a doctor walked in. "Why hello Miss Hathaway. It's good to see you're awake." He was an older man probably in his late forties with a scruffy grey beard and short grey hair to match.

"I am Doctor Martin. It's good to finally meet you." He smiles. "Yeah, great to be here." I say sarcastically which causes him to let out a small laugh.

"Yes it seems you come here quite a bit." He jokes. "You have no idea. So what's the diagnosis Doc? Can I go home because I'm really dying for some good food a shower and a soft bed." I say.

"Well it appears you are just fine but there is some news for you." He says lifting the charts. "It appears that you are pregnant." He says.

My hole body freezes and I say nothing. He gives me a minute to speak. "That's not possible." I blurt out.

"Well possible or not you are definitely pregnant." He says. "But that can't be I'm Dhampir and I've only ever slept with a Dhampir as well and as you should know two Dhampirs can't conceive." I can feel my body tensing.

"Are you sure?" The doctor questions confused. "Am I sure!? I think I know who I've slept with I'm not some slut who sleeps around! I've only ever slept with one person and yes he is a Dhampir!" I shout.

Suddenly Dimitri walks in with a worried look. "Is something wrong?" He ask. "No everything's fine the doc and I were just talking impossible situations." I say frustrated.

"Miss Hathaway as impossible as it may be the test show that-" "-Enough! I don't want to talk about it anymore!" I shout louder.

Even more worry waves over Dimitri's face. "I don't understand has something happened? Is Rose okay?" He says looking to the Doctor.

Doctor Martin looks to me and then back at Dimitri. "No Miss Hathaway is fine there is just something we need to discus, but that will be at another time I can see now that Miss Hathaway needs rest." He begins to makes his way for the door.

He stops at the door. "I will be back later Miss Hathaway." He say. "Yep." I say not looking at him. Soon it's just Dimitri and I.

"Rose what just happened?" He ask moving to my side. "Nothing it was just a miss understanding. It's fine really." I say taking his hand.

He looks at me questionably and then let's it go. Thank god because I did not want to explain this if there was really even anything to explain.

I got to say my hello's to everyone a lot of them were easy to say goodbye to but it was almost impossible to tell Dimitri to go home and sleep.

"Dimitri I'll be fine. Go home and get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow
comrade." I tell him. "Roza I'll just rest here." He says.

"No go home and sleep and take a shower... you kinda smell." I joke "oh really?" He says with a smile. "I save your life and this is the thanks I get?" He jokes.

"Yep now go home and take a shower smelly." I laugh. He lets out a sigh "fine." He leans over and kisses my forehead. "I love you my Roza." He says making my heart jump.

A little after he left Doctor Martin came in. He had a nurse push in a big monitor thing.

"What's this doc?" I ask "proof." Is all he says as he brings the monitor next to the bed. "Miss Hathaway if you would please lift your feet onto these bars." The nurse says.

I look to Doctor Martin questionably. "Why?" I ask. "This is and ultrasound. It is what will show if you are pregnant or not. Now the image will appear on the screen here." He says pointing to the TV.

"Now we won't see the baby yet since its to early into the pregnancy and it is much to small so it will be small but it will have a heartbeat which is what will be looking for." He says.

"If" doc, being the operative word." I lift my legs and place them on onto the metal holders.

He grabs a long cord of some sort and lathers gel on it. "What's that." I ask. "Now I think you are to early into the pregnancy to do the ultrasound on your stomach so we will enter this into your-"

"Whoa! Wait you are not putting that in me! Heck no Doc!" I shout squeezing my legs together. "It will not hurt Miss Hathaway you may feel a little discomfort at first but that is all." He says.

"Hell no!" I say frustrated.

He sighs. "Rose would you please trust me? If you are so keen to believe you are not pregnant do you not want proof?" He say.

I pause then glare at him. "Fine." I say then release my legs. He wasn't kidding about the discomfort but i tried to ignore it.

He didn't say anything at first he just kept squinting at the screen. "Ah there we are." He says pointing to the screen.

I looked were he was pointing. There was a small circle but from that there was a heart beat that seemed to ring louder and louder in my ears.

"No." Was all I could say. "Miss Hath-Rose please is this not enough proof?" He says. "I believe I just.... I just... I don't know." I say looking down at my stomach.

After everything is put away Doctor Martin comes back to tell me the details of everything.

"I know this all seems impossible and trust me I'm having a hard time understanding too but you are in fact pregnant. Now there's a lot we will need to discuss but would you first like to tell the father so he can be here for this too?" He ask

All the sudden there's a loud clank and are eyes immediately look to the door where Dimitri stands with messy wet hair and an extremely shocked look on his face.

"I think you just did." I say.

(AN: So I hope everyone is enjoying. Things are really starting to heat up now. So what do you think Dimitri's reaction will be? Good or bad? Stay tuned for the next chapter and thanks so much for reading. Don't forget to rate and comment.)

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