Chapter Thirty Four

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Rodimus panted quietly as he let his heart stop racing, though he was freaking out inside, this was his baby brother, and even though the child was adopted, he still felt the need to protect him. He listened to the radio chatter as his men stood by down the road quite a ways, ready to stop anyone that tried to run. He closed his eyes and took the earpiece out so he could focus on his breathing. His mind going to his father, making tears come to his eyes. 

"I won't fail you again..." the young man promised silently before he looked back to the house. He aimed his gun in the air and took a deep breath before he fired. He had to get their attention somehow. He let the shot echo, then he quietly went to his next position further away and off to the side. He crouched where he could see them and frowned.

"Kaon and Pet are at the station..." he mumbled to himself as he watched people leave. "Two... three..." he frowned again and sighed then kept going. Only three and his brother. This wouldn't be too hard. He set the ear piece back in and winced a little at someone talking loudly. He frowned as he listened but had to focus elsewhere as the villains got closer.

"Rodimus, come in dang it!" Heatwave suddenly said over the radio. The chief blinked in surprise as he glanced towards the barricade that was out of sight.

"There's more hostages up there! Bumblebee's two nieces and my mother." he said a little more calmly. Rodimus was silent for a few minutes and blinked a couple times. This complicated things. He froze as he heard a second gun shot nearby. But it wasn't him.


Soundwave went over to Jim and they both waited for a few minutes as they tried to figure out how to get inside. They heard the shot and glanced to the house as the men came outside. The silent man started to go when the older man gripped his arm tightly. The younger looked at him and Jim stared at the house for a long time before heading inside.

Soundwave wanted to stop him but decided not to and moved further back into the woods as he furrowed his brow. He paused as he came out of the brush deeper in and stared at Tarn. The man looked to him and narrowed his eyes as he pulled out his gun and aimed it at his own son. The young man didn't move as he watched his father and stayed half crouched, his mind blank for a moment, which was a moment too long in his mind. 

"Who's with you?" Tarn growled as he watched him and kept his gun on him. The musician didn't respond as he stayed where he was, still crouched from moving through the brush. "Answer me." he seethed as he cocked his gun.

"Where's my mother?" Soundwave asked calmly as he quickly devised a plan to get away, he noticed his father stiffen at the mention of his ex-wife. 

"This is a waste of time. You're a waste of space and useless." Tarn seethed and fired his gun at him, Soundwave managed to move out of the way but his shoulder was grazed.

He grunted and kicked the other man in the stomach then kicked the gun away from his hand. He jumped up and took the gun then disappeared as Tarn cursed angrily. The older man realized just how good his son still was. He went to follow only to fall and land on his face. He grunted and glanced to see his shoelaces were tied together. He frowned deeply wondering when the young man did that. 

"Child's play." he muttered though was slightly amused, not that he would admit it. He glanced around then towards the house before working on getting free. Grumbling to himself the entire time. 


Megatron held on to Beta and sighed forcefully as he looked into the hallway, Guilt settling into his heart and stabbing him. He looked to the woman he loved and tears filled his eyes. She stared back and gently set a hand on his cheek, she then kissed his other as she smiled a little.

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