Chapter 12

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Normal POV

So I'm the hideout Y/n was behind bars and she was being used as bait but Muzan needs Y/n's body because "the wondering red flame"'s body runs through Y/n's which gives her strength and Muzan wants to make himself even stronger.

"Hmm so your intelligence seems to be low due to THAT HAG and her green dog protector turning you into a Demon"Takisha said!

"I need to bring your intelligence back to its normal state but I'm not sure about the demon part..."Takisha said outloud!

All Y/n did was whimper and try to get out of the bars before Takisha experimented on her.

The bars were so strong that not even Y/n's Demon strength could get her out but remember she has 3 strengths her demon strength her Sensei Amika's strength and "The wondering red flame"'s strength!!!

"Hmm I found the perfect spell and potions for you!!"Takisha said getting closer to Y/n who  cried out really loudly!

Tanjirou and Zenitsu and Giyu and Inosuke and Shinobu we're outside planning to do an Ambush until they heard Y/n's loud cry.

"Y/N!!"Tanjirou yelled and ran inside not wanting you to be hurt and Giyu tried it stop him but Tanjirou just ran past him!

So then everyone went inside to try to save Y/n!!!

Everyone saw Takisha walking closer to Y/n and Tanjiro was running up to Takisha but Shinobu stopped him.

"Leave this to me and Giyu okay my dear!!"Shinobu said giving him a smile!

Tanjirou nodded.

But then Takisha sent many demons after them so Shinobu & Giyu and Takisha were the ones fighting while the others were killing demons!

How special are you Y/n to them that they would risk their lives for you!

So far Tanjirou was the closest to you so Takisha sent the boss demon she was preparing with Muzan's blood she got from him!!!

The boss demon was this demon that was.....

Another Tanjirou?!!!!!!

The other Tanjirou wore black and grey tho!

"How are YOU me?!!!"Tanjirou blurted out!

"I'm not you I'm the better version!!!"The other Tanjirou said as his eyes grow red!

Time skip!!

Takisha decided to just leave Giyu and Shinobu to put the potion on Y/n so Shinobu and Giyu we're running at Takisha to stop her but they were to far away so Takisha put the potion in Y/n!!

Electrodes we're running through Y/n's body electrocuting her making her scream in pain!!

"Y/N!!"Tanjirou yelled!

Then Y/n's body dropped down onto the ground.....

Everything was in slow motion for everyone while Takisha just had this smirk!!

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