My Imaginary Friends

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'ey! Art from Mario's Music Box! I love that game and its ARC. I hope the remastered version comes out soon.


A few months after Omen took away her sight, Brooke Lilith was completely blind. Maybe if her parents didn't lie to Omen or they hid her better, she would've only lost her ability to see red and green.

Brooke was in the little pond her parents had made her when she "looked" up. All she could remember before she went blind, besides Omen, was something or someone with a lot of blue. Because of that, all her clothes were blue. Not that she could tell.

Brooke had fallen asleep in her little pond when her neighbor found her underwater. Scared for her life, he pulled her out startling her.

"Hey!" she said as she waved her arms. "What are you doing!?"

"Sorry, I thought you were... Brooke?"


"You've been marked."


"You're the Heart of Water, Brooke."

Brooke shrugged since she couldn't tell if her neighbor was playing a trick on her. She went back into the water to think about her past trying to piece together what she saw when she was a little girl. She opened her eyes underwater surprised to see... Kinda...

Now she knew for sure she was the Heart of Water and she had to find the Heart of Thunder to free her village and return their sight.

The only thing missing was the Heart of Thunder to arrive. All she had to do was wait for him or her to come...

As time moved on, her sight had made her able to see the water itself. Whenever it rained, she would see through it. She once tried to keep water in some goggles, but it didn't work out...

She did manage to control her water abilities. She would make it rain over the crops and keep her home clean. She wasn't the happiest in the village, but she managed as she waited for the Heart of Thunder to find her village...

...and waited...

...and waited...

...and waited...

Years had passed since Brooke lost her sight and Luigi was laying in his bed listening to what the voices were saying. He was happy that Mario accepted the voices, but he wished he'd take them a little more seriously since they're convinced that Luigi is their hero. Anyway, they were mostly talking about him and how he could be the hero they were looking for but occasionally they brought up a name.


"Excuse me," he said attracting the voices' attention. "I know you say that I'm the 'Heart of Thunder' but who's Brooke?"

"Luigi wants to know about our little Brooke."

"We have to tell him!"

"I'll do it!"

"No way; it should be me!"

"I swear you people act like children..."

"Can somebody tell me who the hell Brooke is, please? I should be trying to find a way to get rid of you damn voices, but I'm giving you guys a chance. Tell me who this 'Brooke' person, please."

"I'll tell him!"

"No one needs to hear your banshee voice, Alice!"

"So they do have names," thought Luigi. The voices kept arguing as to who gets to tell him about Brooke when one voice came in loud and clear telling the others to shut up.

"What's going?" said the voice. This one belonged to a lady and she sounded around Luigi's age. "Why are y'all here?"

"Hold up. What do you mean 'here'? You guys aren't voices in my head?"

"No. We're humans just like you... At least, I think you're human. I can't see so who am I to say you're not an animal?"

"Haha! I can reassure you that I am human, but how can we hear each other?"

"I don't know, but this is wonderful news. Now I know for sure the people in my village aren't going crazy and the rumors about you are true."

"What rumors? Where is this village?"

"Our village is in a forest. We used to call our village Shandytowne, but that was in the past. Our forest is called Blind Man's Bluff since everyone in our village, including myself, can not see the world as it should be. We have a legend that says two people will restore our sight and free us from this prison and my people think you're one of them while I'm your other half."

"But who are you? And who is this 'Brooke' your people keep talking about?"

"I'm Brooke. Brooke Lilith. I'm the Heart of Water. My people and I have been waiting for the Heart of Thunder to save us from our blindness and set us free."

"I feel like I should know your name, but I can't remember why besides your peers..."

"It's okay. What's your name?"

"Luigi. Luigi Mario."

"Heh heh. Now I feel like I should know that name. Anyway, it's nice to meet you, Luigi."

"It's nice to meet you too, Brooke."

Luigi and Brooke had a nice little conversation while the others had let them be. Mario had stepped in on their conversation, but from his point of view... it looked a little onesided... Mario sighed as he leaned against the railing listening to Luigi talk.

"Luigi," he thought. "What happened to you after the camping trip? I don't know where these voices came from or why they came so suddenly, but I'd do anything to have you back to normal... Not that I think you're unhappy with your... 'imaginary friends' but..."

Mario couldn't finish his thoughts. In a way, Luigi was happier with the voices, but he was worried about his brother.

"You know something?" said Luigi as he sat up in his bed. "Out of all the voices I hear, I think I like you the most, Brooke."

"Oh great," said Mario to himself. "He named the voices in his head... This is going to be another stupidly LONG fanfic... How did I get myself into another one of Lotus' stupid stories again? Oh well, at least I'm not an asshole in this one like in the werewolf fanfic."


Word Count: 1025

Blinded By Love (A Luigi X Blind! OC Fanfic) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now