klance omegavese 🔵+🔴

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There are 3 different type of people in a pack,there is the omega's , alphas and lastly the beta's. you would usually expect two alphas to get together but not in this story.this story is about two male's named Keith and lance,Keith is a omega and lance is a alpha.

One night lance was up late not their able to sleep so he went for a walk.lance wasn't paying attention and bumped in to keith, "watch it!" Keith said and that lance bumped in to him or realizing that lance was a alpha.lance apologized and hoped he would just brush it off and Walked away.Keith just walked away pissed off but as he walked away he realized that lance was a alpha "quiznake I seriously just did that to a alpha I'm so dead." Keith went back to his room and went to bed to try to forget what had just happened.

The next morning Keith woke up late remembering that he was late for a pack gathering,Keith jumped up and ran to were they were having the gathering.when Keith got there the gathering was almost over so he tried not to be noticed that he was still in his pajamas and his crazy hair. At the end of the gathering lance walked up to keith and noticed his crazy hair and his pajamas and started laughing "I guess you slept in huh?" said lance.Keith scratched his head in embarrassment "yea I forgot about the gathering last night" .keith and lance continues talking for about a hour after the gathering and they started becoming really good friends.

After a while of Keith and lance hanging out both of them started having feeling for each other and thought nothing of it for a while.when they were both a part they wouldn't stop thinking of each other and would blush while at it .After a while of thinking Keith realized he liked lance and he started to question how can a omega like a alpha and so many more questions .

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