finally moved in

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After days of Keith moving his stuff into lances house they finally finished bring all the  boxes in now they just needed to put his stuff away.while Keith was sleeping lance woke up early and for some reason really wanted to look at the pictures Keith had in a medium sized box under there bed as if he was hiding them.lance quietly got of the bed and grabbed the box from under the bed.lance went into the dinning room and put the box on the table as he went to grab a knife to open it.little did he know Keith just woke up as he put the box down.Keith walked into the dinning room and noticed the box. "Lance why is my box not under the bed like it's supposed to?!" Keith said Lance turned around nervous "shit"he said in his head as he looked at the floor "I just really wanted to see what was in it.." lance said regretting the thing he just done.

Keith took a deep breath and looked at the board then lance "..fine u can see what's in the box but next time ask ok.". Lances face light up and smiled as he grabbed the knife to open the box.lance opened the box and noticed Keith's face was getting redder and redder by the second.

" Keith are you ok?? " Lance ask confused

"Huh?y-yea just go ahead look in the box"Keith said flustered with embarrassment

Lance looked in the pictures they were all pictures of Keith and lance together with hearts drawn all over.lance flips over one of the pictures and there was like  Keith was writing in a diary.

" what's with all the writing on the back of the pictures? "Lance asked

Keiths eyes widden like he just got caught doing something." uhh i-i  don't know"Keith said.
Lance just looked confused at Keith than look back down a the writing on the picture and read lance continued to read the writing of the pictures he would blush more and more every picture he read.Keith got to the point he covered his face with his hands because he was so embarrassed.30 minutes go by and lance find her reading all the writing on the back of the pictures and taped the box back up then put it back under the bed.

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