Okie remembers...

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I stand outside Minneapolis's door as I stare at a funny drawing of an Indian girl, frowning with a sign under it saying do not disturb.

I scoff at the sign as the music coming from the room is almost deafening.

I bang on the door now, waiting for someone to answer.

The door finally clicks open as I roll my eye...

I instantly regret it.

I'm suddenly looking up into South Dakota's firm golden eyes, smoke rising from above the tall, dark-haired girl's head as a strange oder fills my nose.

I raise my hand stupidly, the word leaves my mouth without thinking.

"How." The Indian girl just slams the door in my face as I just stand there thinking how stupid I must of just looked and sounded like, but I can't think about that now, I need to get Okie back to the docks.

The music suddenly lowers as I can hear hushed voices, after a few moments the door opens again.

South let's me in as I step into the smokey room.

"Thanks." The Indian girl pushes by me silently and heads into the living room. I hear voices talking and laughing ahead.

I swallow deeply as I start waving my hand in front of my face as the room reminds me of a saloon.

I'm stunned, walking into the open area as I see my little sister sitting with Minneapolis dressed in Indian garb, laughing hysterically.

They're passing a long pipe back and forth as smoke rolls into the air.

South Dakota sits down next to them, picking up her controller and continued her video game silently.

Okie doesn't even notice me as I look to my right to a Sakura ship girl drawing on a sketch book.

I think her name is...?" 

I don't know, again I feel a strange sensation in my chest.

"Hey... Nevada...." My sister looks up at me with a chuckle as Minnie leans into her, taking a long drag from the pipe.

"It's time to go." I say with a stern voice as she frowns instantly.

"Where? To the dock so I can relive that nightmare like before in Pearl?" The blonde-haired-girl snaps as I'm taken aback, but counter.

"Don't talk about Pearl Harbor like you were the only one there!" I bark as I have everyone's attention now.

"Oh do you mean the attack?! That was the greatest thing that ever happened to me in my whole life! I had never been so scared and excited to fight for my life after years and years of peace!" Okie doesn't let up.

"No, no... My nightmare started when they raised me, when they turned me over from being ass up in Battleship row is when my nightmare started...."

"By the time I came through everyone was gone but West, and she was soon underway..."

"I was left alone with Arizona laying in peace at the bottom of the battleship row...."

"I was mostly intact, I even tried to keep my rig, but it was stripped for me, a warship without weapons? OK you're a fucking barge now. I begged and pleaded to be a transport or anything to get back into the fight and was told no...."

"Soon I wasn't even allowed to circle Pearl Harbor anymore as I was moored in place and became a gangplank to the new ships arriving in Pearl Harbor...."

"You could never imagine the embarrassment and humiliation I felt as I saw these brand new battleships sail into Pearl...."

"I was a Yardie now, soon everything was taken from me, no longer a mighty warship but a simple storage unit for the better and best of the US Navy...."

"Then it was decided I be sent stateside, not it to be fixed of course, but to be broke down...."

"I used to think about you and the others, out there fighting the war... but by the end I hated everyone one of you...." Tears are running down my sister's face.

"And when I ran into that storm, I just wanted to sink and be forgotten by everyone...." I grab Okie and pull her tightly into my arms. I think it's finally done, when she suddenly pushes me back roughly.

"So no, I'm not going back to the dock, in fact...." Okie's smiling face suddenly turned into a grinning one as she lifted her hand up strangely and snapped her fingers.

Minneapolis, South Dakota and the Sakura girl freeze as almost hypnotized.

What I see next shakes me to my keel.

My sister begins to change right before my eyes....

Her hair became short and spiked with black and red high-lights as her skin grew white and deathly.

Her bright blue eyes turned a crimson red as her teeth were now sharpened to point.

The two Indian ship-girls start to fondle my sister openly as I try to make them stop.

"Leave her alone!" I yell, but nothing comes out.


I try to move as I quickly realized that I can't.

My chest tightens again as I listen to my sister moaning under the two dark-skinned girl's greedy hands.

Suddenly my sister's eyes are burning into mine, her voice cracks statically as I can't blank out her teeth, speaking in that ugly Morse code.

"Wake up NEVEDA!"

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