Chapter 3: First Day of UA

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(F/N)- Your First Name

(F/C)-Favorite color

Italicized text-Thoughts

Bold italicized text- Venom is talking inside your head

Bold text- Venom is taking

(S/M)-Source Music (music being played by characters)

(I/M)-Incidental Music (it's Soundtrack music the characters can't hear it)

After we finished hugging we walk downstairs together once there we go to the living room mom, dad, and Futaba sees us with our heads down and get up from their seats and walk towards us.

Videl: "Well did you guys get in?" she said with slight concern in her voice thinking we might not have made it in.

We do our side fistbump and look at her with giant smirks on our faces.

(F/N) and Touka: "We're in."

And everyone starts celebrating and my mom jumps in the air with her fist up before she hugs us both.

Videl: "I'm so proud of you guys." she said with pride.

My dad pats us on the back

Peter: "Me too guys you both did great." he said offering us both a fistbump we of course expect.

After being praised some more by Futaba we both start rubbing the backs of our necks feeling a little embarrassed we're not used to this, being showered with praise that is, but it did feel good to have parents be proud of us.

Videl: "Now I think we should celebrate this occasion. So where do you guys want to eat for dinner tonight?" she said while bringing her hands together.

We both look at each for a moment thinking on what to get but then Futaba took the words right of our mouths.

Futaba: "I voted for Ichiraku Ramen." she said jumping in the air with her hand raised.

Peter: "Futaba, come on it's their choice." he said smiling and Futaba starts pouting.

(F/N): "Oh hell yes I fucking second that!" I said excited.

Videl: "LANGUAGE!" she said with authority.

(F/N): "Sorry."

Videl: "Touka?" she said looking at her.

Touka: "I'm with them."

Videl: "Alright Ichiraku it is, we'll leave in five."

(F/N): "Alright." I said heading back to my room.

Once I'm back in my room I grab my phone and call Izuku.

Izuku: Hello?"

(F/N): "Hey man I got in and congrats on you getting in, I know how much this means to you."

Izuku: "Thanks (F/N). Oh, and you and Touka ranked second and third that's really impressive."

(F/N): "Well with who our parents are, would you expect anything less?" I said sarcastically and shrugging my shoulders. "But you should've seen Touka she was pisssssed she lost to Bakugo by one point."

Izuku starts laughing.

Izuku: "I'm sure she was." he said still laughing.

(F/N): "Anyway man I gotta go we're going to Ichiraku Ramen for dinner so talk to you soon."

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