Log 16

196 7 2

Name: Subject 0632

Age: 15

Condition: Confusing

Species: Teletubby

Class: Unknown

Voice Log: Subject 0632 escaped for the seventieth time in 2 months. She seems to make frequent stops to 0327's cell and talking to her. This last camera footage from the cell of 0327 showed something very sweet. While they spoke 0327 wrapped her tentacles around 0632 and actually kissed her! 0632 seemed to embrace the kiss and returned it, cupping 0327's face gently with her paws. However it was cut short by [REDACTED] coming into the room and forcefully separating the two. He actually beat 0327 so badly she couldn't see out of her right eye due to  a massive bruise. Her wounds ranged from several cuts on her body to a bruised eyelid to 5 broken ribs and even 2 tentacles having been torn from her body. 0632 lost it again and this time, she caused [REDACTED] so much pain even I felt her flames heat. She pulled out his eyes, tore his lower jaw off and snapped each finger off his hand slowly and painfully before burning his lower half. She was quoted as saying "NO ONE HARMS MY LOVE!!!" before she began eating [REDACTED] alive. When she was finished, she tended to whatever wounds she could heal. We had to contact several medical teams to help 0327 heal. 0632 seemed to growl at them but when she realised they were going to help 0327, she let them help her. 0327 took several days to heal, during which time 0632 never left her side. When she was fully healed, 0632 curled up to her and nuzzled into her chest, giving 0327 a kiss before she fell asleep. 0327 wrapped her tentacles around 0632 and held her close, giving her a kiss before she fell asleep too. I've ordered all staff to back off from the cell unless it's to give food and water to the subjects. It seems like I have to file a request to have 0632 permanently moved to 0327's cell. Her actions these past years have demonstrated something we never thought possible. Same gender love. I'll keep a close eye on the two and ensure no harm comes to them or any staff.

Voice Log end

Text Log: 0632 escaped again, ran to 0327's cell and stayed there. Subject 0327 was monitored giving 0632 a kiss before [REDACTED] harmed 0327 badly. 0632 attacked him and killed him in the most vicious way possible. She holds 0327 in high regard, calling her "my love". After careful monitoring, the two test subjects have shared several kisses and fallen asleep together. 0632 has been noted to have not left her side as she healed from the injuries she was caused. Perhaps 0327 isn't the breeder we need after all. We've tried so hard to force her to breed with a male but she's found love with another female. All staff have been ordered to back away from the cell unless they are medical staff or food staff. A request has been filed for 0632 to be moved into 0327's cell permanently, to avoid more breakouts and any more staff fatalities. We've been losing staff quicker than we can train them...

Subject 0632Where stories live. Discover now