Chapter 4

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It's been days since Mina ran after Chaeyoung to return her laptop; since Chaeyoung found out Mina is the one who has been sending her cute messages on napkins; since Chaeyoung, bravely enough, invited Mina into her apartment and showed a tiny piece of herself to the other girl.

And most importantly, Mina remains absolutely captivated by the blonde girl who now became more interesting in her eyes. Mina wants to keep digging that hole called Chaeyoung, dig until she finds what she's looking for, even if she isn't sure of what that is yet

For the umpteenth time this week, Mina lets out a sigh.

"Bad day again, huh?" Across the table they shared, Nayeon looks up from the textbook she's reading and Mina can only grimace at her classmate.

"Okay, that's it, Mina. We need to talk," Nayeon closes the textbook with a thud and pushes it aside along with her writing materials, earning herself a few dirty looks from other tables, "You look like you can turn the milk sour these days. What's going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mina scowls not lifting her eyes from her laptop, hoping for Nayeon to get the hint.

Nayeon scoffs, "Please don't insult my intelligence so you better start talking."

Mina still pretends to not hear her tenacious friend and continues to focus on her assignment.

Suddenly, a tiny ball of paper landed on her forehead causing her to yelp out of shock.

Mina picks it up, "Very mature."

"Well?" says Nayeon, trying to suppress a laugh.

Mina sighs. She knows Nayeon is never going to let her ears rest, unless she tells her what has been bothering her.

"Well," Mina begins in a whisper, "There's this girl..."

"Skip and fast forward," Nayeon chuckles, "The audience knows it's always about a girl. We demand details. Details, Mina."

Sometimes, Mina seriously doubts her choice of friends.

"Long story short, I like her but I don't know what I should do."

"Duh, just tell her," Nayeon shrugs.

"It's not that simple. You can't just go to girls and tell them 'hey, there's a possibility that I like you,' " Mina frowns.

"Why not?" Nayeon asks, "If you are confident enough like moi, you do! Wait pause right there. Do I know this girl?"

"Probably not. She's a musician," Mina's head starts to run through all the chances of how Nayeon might know the said person.

Nayeon is a well known social butterfly, which means she practically knows everyone and every juicy gossip in this campus. It remains a mystery to Mina how Im Nayeon maintains her title as an ace student whilst finding time to go to all these social events and parties. Though their friendship seems unlikely since they're so different than one another, Mina knows she can trust Nayeon, as the latter will always be the nice senior who invites Mina to sit with her during her first lecture in this foreign university.

"Proceed," Nayeon gestures for her.

Just then, they're approached by a tall man in his forties, who happens to be the librarian on duty.

"Sorry ladies, but I'm afraid I may have to interrupt this nice little chit chat and escort you to leave the premise this instance," he says sternly.

"No need for that. We're leaving anyway," says Nayeon in a faux sweet manner, batting her eyelashes and all. Not daring to meet his eyes, Mina quickly closes her laptop and pulls along a nonchalant Nayeon to the exit.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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