Back in Jamaa

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We geda dissolvin transition that transitions to Juno just now hangin the banner over the path

JUNO: Ah, perfect.

ARCTIC WOLF JESSIE: Wow looks amazin Juno.

JUNO: Why thank you.

He turns around an sees Jessie

JUNO: Gaaaaah.


JUNO: Aaaaaaaaah.

ARCTIC WOLF JESSIE: Juno are you okay?

Juno shakes his head

JUNO: Huh? Wha? Yeah-yeah I'm okay chuckles nervously

ARCTIC WOLF JESSIE: Chuckles Oh you're so silly. Well I better head to The Alpha Headquarters an see if they could get me a job there since I failed at gettin an Actin Career. See ya cutie.

Jessie walks away rubbin her tail against Juno's Chin then he faints

JUNO: Who was that saint? She was so pretty.

Juno gets up

JUNO: Juno, what are you doin? She's a jammer an you're an Alpha I can't be with her.

Juno looks up at Jessie an sees her fur colors change from Pink an blue to Orange, Green, Yellow, Red an Magenta then lil dots appear on her fur an hair grows from her head then real Diamonds an Jewels appear on her hair an body.

JUNO: Whoa. That was insane.

Amelia runs up to Juno

AMELIA: Pantin I win

Amelia plops down on the ground

AURORA: Pantin Only cuz you goda head start.

Aurora plops down on Juno's Paw

JUNO: Guys? Are you okay?

AMELIA: Yeah just tired from racin each other.

JUNO: Oh, an you must be Aurora it's nice to meet you I'm Juno an Alpha who was also discovered.

AURORA: Nice to meet you too.

JUNO: Hey Amelia do you know who that new Jammer is. She looks beautiful.

Juno points to Jessie

AMELIA: Oh that's the new Arctic Wolf Alpha.

JUNO: New Arctic Wolf Alpha?...

AMELIA: Yeah it's been all over The Jamaa News look.

Amelia shows Juno the Jamaa News from a Newspaper.

JUNO (READING): The Alpha's hire a new Arctic Wolf Alpha to keep a lookout for The Arctic Wolves. But wadabout me?...

AMELIA: Keep readin.

JUNO (READING): Jessie will be the partner of Juno to help assist him with the Arctic Wolves! Wait, what!? I geda partner!?


JUNO: But why?

AMELIA: Haven't noticed that more an more Arctic Wolves have been movin to Jamaa lately.

JUNO: Yeah.

AMELIA: With Arctic Wolves constantly movin here they thought it'd be tough for you to handle so they decided to find you a partner to keep everythin in balance an so you don't gecha self overworked.

JUNO: Oh wow, this is the best Spring Gift I could get an shes the hottest partner I could ever get.


JUNO: What? Anyways I need to get back to settin up for The Spring Party see y'all in 3 hours cuz that's when the party starts an I still got so much to do but I can handle it. Chuckles nervously then whines an he goes back to decoratin

AMELIA: I think he needs help.

AURORA: Yeah, oh well.

AMELIA: Wha? Ba? Dude seriously!?

AURORA: Just kiddin.


AURORA: Hey Juno do you think we could help you get stuff ready for the party?

JUNO: No it's fine i can handle it.

AMELIA: You sure?

JUNO: Yeah.

AURORA: Okay...

Amelia an Aurora turn around.

AMELIA: I'm worried bout Juno he says he could handle it. She looks back at him but I don't think so.


They look in front of em an see Arctic Foxes blockin their path.

AMELIA: Uh... Hi guys.

ARCTIC FOXES: Aurora! They run up to Aurora an some of them pounce on her

AURORA: My babies! I missed you all so much!

ARCTIC FOXES: We missed you too!

AMELIA: Great now I can get back to my clients now that you're back.

AURORA: Amelia...


AURORA: Thank you for watchin my babies well I was frozen underneath the ice for 4,000 years.

AMELIA: Anytime, that's what family's for, now I must get back to my babies. I just hope they'ren't too upset.


Amelia walks off

AURORA: I hope you'll be okay Amelia

Aurora looks at Juno

AURORA: An I'm worried bout you most of all Juno.

Juno gets tangled up in the lights

JUNO: Just great.

Juno struggles to get ouda the lights then he falls offa the ladder.

JUNO: Whoa!

He falls on the ground an he gets untangled from the light

JUNO: Victory! Whoo! Exhausted Sigh still goda long way to go.

He climbs back up the ladder an hangs the lights an Aurora whimpers.

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